Friday, October 29, 2010

Mi amor ~my love

Salam alikom to all my muslim family and hola to my non muslims out there. I pray all is well with everyone. Just been busy and trying to catch up with family and olf friends who i hnt seen in almost ten yrs. Miss dreamer, email me your pin. Miss yall. Have a gr8 weekend. Its started here in the states

Mood: happy
Craving: a ride in my car, under the texas stars

He climbs on the high bed and watches me get ready;
He stares like he sees a star in the sky
I know his love is unconditional, and his love is true
Since the day he was born he has never made me blue;
The only love that will never perish. I love u.

The love of my life, my son.

Final whisper: love comes and goes, but a childs love stays 4 ever.

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...