Saturday, June 2, 2012

A little bit of inspiration for everyone. :)

mood: thankful
craving: having my best friends over

Salam Alikom and a big hola.gifto all my non-muslim followers and readers....

I am not that girl that follows others paths. never have, never will

I am not that girl that ever said what people wanted to hear. I tell them the truth.

I am not that girl who ever experimented with drugs. Thank you God.

I am not that girl who hurts others just because.

I am that girl who has a couple of super AMAZING friends. Thank you girls. 

I am that girl whose always trying to learn more about my beautiful religion, Islam.

I am that girl who leads her own path and tries to teach my kids to do the same

I am the girl who laughs uncontrollably and ( snorts while laughing) 

I am different

I am myself

Take pride in who you are. Realize your worth. 

final whisper: you never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.
Because life is beautiful.


Random LOVE UAE Mubarak UAE-TEXAS best friends happiness life texas Abu dhabi Amber - Birthday America Arabic language Arabs BIRTHDAY - Random BLOGGING Belief in Islam Bukoor and OUD CUPCAKES Candy - Mac and Cheese - Best Friends - Kool-Aid - Diamond rings Different languages Friends - Honestly - Islam Friendship - Family - Love~ juan Friendship - Love - BBQ'ing Germany Getting a maid... God - Faith - I miss you ISLAM - Muslim women's rights- Respect - Education - Money ISLAM - QURAN - sister - Islam - God - Islam - Seas - Embryonic Development Italy - friends - JESUS Jannah - Heaven - Paradise Jesus - God - Quran - Islam - Muslims Jummah LOVE - DUBAI - DAD - Jesus - ISLAM - Husband - Kids - Ramadan - PINK - Mother in law - snow LOVE ?Allah - god - ALLAH - ALLAH - Allah - love - LoVE - lOvE and LOVE Liars Love - life - charity MAKE-UP Mabarak Mabruk Eshnuk and Malik Maids Marriage - Weddings - Love - Happiness Mi amor Missing my son New York Oud - salwa - Kalemat PHOTOMANIA.... PMS - shoes - polish - waxing - Perfumes - Oils Philosophy Prayers Quote Quran Quran - God - Jesus Random... Roaches Shahda... Stay Trish Mcvoy - Mac - Aveda - Estee Lauder United Arab Emirates Vacation World Affairs amber amber's 17th birthday. azooz baba and azooz-good-bye blueberry muffins bread rolls- Chai breakfast cancer death - Sheikh Ahmed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan eid favorites feeling Nostalgic flowers - love - hope - wind good-bye home inspiration kids- random libya m missing family missing grandparents. mom - love mosha mothers and friendship movies - weddings - tantrums - hot white chocolate - Caribou mr jim glass my Mother my dad my daughter nonna old friends patience quotes rain random pics rawan secrets shahadah shopping - IKEA - sisters - love three years old