Thursday, March 31, 2011

One God!

mood: mellow
craving: mecca

salam alikom wa rahmatollahi wa barakato and Hola to all my followers and readers. I hope everyone had a GREAT week. :)

This picture says it all. My little boy, Abdul Aziz. Mashallah...
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله (lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh, Muḥammad rasūlu-llāh) (in Arabic)
There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. (in English)
The Shahadah is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet.
final whisper:  He is the One GOD; there is no other god beside Him. The King, the Most Sacred, the Peace, the Most Faithful, the Supreme, the Almighty, the Most Powerful, the Most Dignified. GOD be glorified; far above having partners
(Qur'an 59:23)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Always be who you are....

mood:  satisfied
craving: hanging out with YOU.

Red Velvet cheesecake at the cheese cake factory
I walked in that place, looked at your face and instantly knew that you were going to be a special person in my life. Your smile lit up the room like no other. Your laugh...well, it's contagious and cute. Your speech... hmm, well, it's different. Your sense of humor is like mine. You are the light in me and my kids life and I wouldn't have it any other way. Keep being that friend/sister I was searching for. Just stay who you are. We love you, Rawan.

final whisper:  You're an Amazing woman. Thanks for last night.. We had such a GREAT time.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why is Friday so special to us Muslims?

mood: excited for tomorrow :) :) :) :) :)
craving: shopping with my kids... 

I pray that everyone had a GREAT Friday. Our weekend has started. :) :) :) 

The above picture is in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) showing millions of Muslims praying to God. Amazing.

This is one of my FAVORITE days of the week in our household, and it's a favorite of another 1.4 - 1.6 billion Muslims around the world.

 What is Jummah? Al-Jummah, in Arabic, means "The day of gathering" because the body of Adam (Peace be upon Him) was gathered (created) on this day.

I always clean really good on  Fridays. I burn OUD and Bukhoor (above picture). It's a great incense. There's nothing like it. The smell radiates through our home and it's lovely. When I'm done,  I usually sit in my favorite chair and read the Quran (holy book). After that I pray our noon prayer which is called Dhuhr.  It's the best day of the week for us. 

 Of all the days of the week, the day of Jummah was chosen by Allah (God) to be the greatest and the most special for Muslims

The Prophet salalahu alayhi wasalam said:
"There is an hour during it (i.e.Jumu'ah) that no Muslim servant catches while he is standing and praying, asking Allah for something, except Allah will give it to him."
Then the Prophet salalahu alayhi wasalam made a gesture with his hand to indicate how short that time is. (Bukhari and Muslim)

"O you who believe! When the call for Prayer is made on al -Jummah. hasten to the remembrance of God, and leave trading aside. That is better for you, if only you knew." (62:9)
God guided all Muslims to hold their gatherings on Jummah before and after the Hijrah.  Just wanted to give y'all a little definition of what Jummah is. (To all my non-Muslim readers)

 That my friends, is our beautiful Friday. Always spent with our loved ones.

Jummah Mubarak! to all.

final whisperLet's not forget Suratul-Kahf....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My baby boy is three years old.. :) :) :)

mood: :):):)
craving: watching my little boy blow out his candles

To Abu Abdul Aziz. Azooz talks about you all the time, and he loves you and misses you.

Salam Alykom and Hola to all my followers and readers. I hope y'alls week is going smoothly, I'm exhausted and I need a holiday. :) This weekend will be busy for us. We will go spend the weekend with some of my close friends, take the kids to the parks and have a nice barbaque. I really can't wait. Now, on to my entry.
my best friend, Om Aboodie, made this for azooz when he was born. mashallah. :) Our little boys are 8 days apart. mashallah.

I was taking pictures of my kids today and realized, Amber is so much older than Azooz.  Fourteen years and one day apart. Azooz loves his big sister so much and vice versa. It's cute for him to hang on to her. Before Azooz was born, Amber had me all to herself and she always wanted a sibling. I'm happy that her wish came true.

The day you came into our lives, was the day that the sun shined forever for me..

My dad got them a nice cake today and both of them blew out the candles. It was sweet. Azooz was even singing Happy birthday to Amber when she got home from school. I think that was the highlight of Amber's day.  Her smile said it all.

Guess who wanted the first piece? Yep, you guessed right, Azooooooz.. 

My son is hell on wheels and I can chase him all day long and he won't give up being the naughty little boy he is.. I swear it's in the DNA of the Arabs. Mashallah.

Azooz: Mama, I love you too.

Me: I didn't say I love you.

Azooz: But, I did!!!!!! 

Me: I love you more.

Azooz: No, me! 

End of convo!

He is such a character and we love every ounce of that kid. He brings smiles to everyone who sees his little face. His attitude is contagious and it's lovable and unforgettable.

May Allah bestow many blessings upon you, my son and give you only good in this life and bless you with happiness, love and wealth and health, may he always protect you from harm and accept all your prayers ameen

final whisper: Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday Azooz, happy birthday to you. I love YOU, more than you will ever know.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

17 yrs went so fast...

craving: to hold my little girl forever...

Salam Alykom and Alooo (Arabic accents) to all my followers and readers. I hope everyone had a productive day today. For those of you in Europe and the middle east, have a GREAT day. On to my entry. <3 In a couple of hours my baby girl will be seventeen years old. : / Wow, how time flies. Today I was driving her to the dentist, she showed me this song by Taylor Swift and I almost started bawling my eyes out. I grabbed her little hand and we looked at each other, her eyes glistened as she said, I love you mom. Those words always melt my heart.
To the world, you may be one person. But to me, you are the world.

I can remember when I was seventeen years old, I already started my life and was alll grown up. Times have changed. My baby is still at home and I don't want her to leave. I joke with her and tell her, her brother and I will follow her to the university. We are so close and I never want that bond to break. Inshallah, never. So, here's a big, big seventeen birthday prayer for you, baby girl.

May Allah bestow many blessings upon you, my daughter and give you only good in this life and bless you with happiness, love and wealth and health, may he always protect you from harm and accept all your prayers ameen

Abu Azooz, if you are reading, you were a part of raising Amber. She's who she is because you loved her and cared and taught her how to love and respect others. She's not the typical, American girl, she's different. I thank you for that.  As she said in her last email to you, and i will quote it.

Dear Abouy,

Thank you, though: for being kind to us, for giving us all we wanted and more, for providing for our needs, for making us laugh and smile, for teaching me how to be who I am. I thank you for teaching me how to respect myself and others. I thank you for helping me grow into someone who can't be compared to kids my age here in the US.

I loved you even though I didn't show it.
I call you by your name when you pop up in conversation. But you will always be my Abouy. To bad you changed so much, to the worse. I never thought you would do what you did to my mom. This proves that life doesn't stay the same, it changes. But, you couldn't expect us to stay with you. My little brother is better off with my mom and I. I would never want him to be raised by you. You are a different person. Not the abouy I once knew. :'( You broke not only mom's heart, but mine too.

final whisper: Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Amber, happy birthday to you. I love YOU... You will always be my baby..

Monday, March 21, 2011

Making a difference in someone's life...

mood: really, really happy =)))))) 
craving: summer

Salam Alykom and Hello to all my readers and followers. I hope everyone had a awesome Monday. So far mine has been good. Thanks to God. I pray this entry helps, just at least one person. =)


1. Do the right thing!
2. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
3. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
4. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
5. The best is yet to come.
6. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy

I always wanna think I've made a difference in someone Else's life, even if it's doing the smallest thing for someone. Cooking, saying something nice or simply listening when someone just has to vent. So, I've been thinking. Sometimes we don't realize how we've touched someone else s life, because the smallest things we do, make such a big impact on some else s daily routine. Try it. Make a difference. ♥

 “There are times when it is hard to believe in the future, when we are temporarily just not brave enough. When this happens, concentrate on the present. Cultivate le petit bonheur (the little happiness) until courage returns. Look forward to the beauty of the next moment, the next hour, the promise of a good meal, sleep, a book, a movie, the likelihood that tonight the stars will shine and tomorrow the sun will shine. Sink roots into the present until the strength grows to think about tomorrow.”

Ardis Whitman

Trying to find simpler version of life with less hatred more love, more feelings with no grudge, more people with positive touch, nothing to lose, every gain become the best, I wish to live by my limitation, to live without division, to dream without any season, to smile without any reason, to think without any decision, to believe without any condition, to help without any expectation

final whisper: sometimes those pessimistic & depressed people, need US. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


mood: excited
craving: to see my daughter and hug and kiss her.

Salam Alykom and hola to all my followers and readers out there.. My weekend as been busy and last night t I was supposed to go with my friends to eat, but I didn't feel like chasing my son everywhere.. LOL Where I go, he goes. So, we ended up having a quiet evening at home. :) :) :) My daughter will be back today, I can't wait, she's coming back from New Jersey I really miss her.. : / Azooz misses her a lot, too. On to my random PHOTOMANIA post... I hope y'all have a FAB Sunday...<3

Enjoy the different pictures I've taken. :) 

Emma, I'll never forget YOU. <3 <3 <3

 UAE, I heart YOU.

 All those years in Germany.... I can still smell the memories...

 I had a great time with you girls. I'll never forget this night.... Good times..........

 Breakfast time.. Thanks for all the great memories.. They'll always be in graved in my mind and heart....
 Blanca, I always enjoy my time with you. Let's do this again, soon.. <3

 Cheesecake night.... I won't forget... Will y'all? LOL

 My dear best-friend. I love you, Om Abooodie.... I miss you...

 I <3 you too, Nonnna....

 Salwa (Rawan) <3 What more can I say? :)

Three musketeers & brothers... Dad in the middle... <3

 My dear son, you're a gem.. Thanks for the most beautiful flower.. I'll cherish it forever... <3

 Chai haleb anyone? MmmmmMM

Om Aboodie, our times together are always gonna be with me.. Don't think I can forget our Escapades. =)

 A beautiful mess... 
each one was made with pure love...

never gonna forget that night....

Aisha, she still listens to her world on your gift... 

final whisper: all  those days you've been gone, your little brother and I slept in your bed. I've missed you so darn much and I can't wait to hug and kiss you... <3 <3 <3

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...