mood: excited
craving: to see my daughter and hug and kiss her.
Salam Alykom and hola to all my followers and readers out there.. My weekend as been busy and last night t I was supposed to go with my friends to eat, but I didn't feel like chasing my son everywhere.. LOL Where I go, he goes. So, we ended up having a quiet evening at home. :) :) :) My daughter will be back today, I can't wait, she's coming back from New Jersey I really miss her.. : / Azooz misses her a lot, too. On to my random PHOTOMANIA post... I hope y'all have a FAB Sunday...<3
Enjoy the different pictures I've taken. :)
Emma, I'll never forget YOU. <3 <3 <3
UAE, I heart YOU.
All those years in Germany.... I can still smell the memories...
I had a great time with you girls. I'll never forget this night.... Good times..........
Breakfast time.. Thanks for all the great memories.. They'll always be in graved in my mind and heart....
Blanca, I always enjoy my time with you. Let's do this again, soon.. <3
Cheesecake night.... I won't forget... Will y'all? LOL
My dear best-friend. I love you, Om Abooodie.... I miss you...
I <3 you too, Nonnna....
Salwa (Rawan) <3 What more can I say? :)
Three musketeers & brothers... Dad in the middle... <3 |
My dear son, you're a gem.. Thanks for the most beautiful flower.. I'll cherish it forever... <3
Chai haleb anyone? MmmmmMM
Om Aboodie, our times together are always gonna be with me.. Don't think I can forget our Escapades. =) | | |
A beautiful mess...
each one was made with pure love...
never gonna forget that night....
Aisha, she still listens to her world on your gift...
final whisper: all those days you've been gone, your little brother and I slept in your bed. I've missed you so darn much and I can't wait to hug and kiss you... <3 <3 <3