Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Quran will always be in my heart...

mood: loved
craving: Ramadan

Salam Alykom and BIG BIG Ramadan Mubarak to my sisters and brothers in Islam. Hello to my non-Muslim readers. Tomorrow is the start of our beautiful month of Ramadan. To those who don't know what Ramadan is, please go here to read ---> Ramadan ....Now, on to my entry.

My heart is always over whelmed when I listen to our glorious Quran. If you have never heard of our Holy Book, the Quran, please go to the nearest mosque and get a copy. It will have the transliteration in what ever language you read. Did y'all know, that over 10 million Muslims worldwide have memorized Qur'an? When you hear the recitation you feel it with your mind and heart. The Quran is a miracle from God. He promised all man-kind that He would preserve it, so no one can change one single word in our book. We have only one Quran and it's never been changed in the 1,400 years Islam has come to all man-kind. This is what struck my heart strings when I was learning and reading about my religion. I was shocked and amazed. There is so much beauty in our Quran. After all, it is the word of God. The Quran is an effective cure for the soul and by reading it,  it can provide a sense of well-being and peace for those who are  looking for that peace they've never had before. I and millions of others can attest to this. Well, I didn't want this to be a long, drawn out post, I just wanted to get my point across. I will end it here with a prayer for all.

O Allah (God!) You are my Lord. There is no deity except You. You are my Creator and I am your creature. I try to keep my covenant with You and to live in the hope of Your promise as well as I can. I seek refuge in You from my one evil deeds. I acknowledge Your favors to me; and I acknowledge my sins. Forgive me my sins, for there is no one who can forgive sins except You

اللهم أنت ربي, لا إله إلا أنت , خلقتني وأنا عبدك, وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ماستطعت, أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت, أبوء لك بنعمتك علي و أبوء بذنبي فاغفر لي, فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت

Allah (God) ! I seek refuge in You from worry and sorrow. I seek refuge in You from impotence and sloth, from stinginess and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being humbled by men

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن ، وأعوذ بك من العجز والكسل ، وأعوذ بك من الجبن والبخل ، وأعوذ بك من غلبة الدين وقهر الرجال

O Allah (God)! Grant health to my body. O Allah (God) grant health to my hearing. O Allah (God)! Grant health to my sight. There is no deity except You.

الله عافني في بدني ، اللهم عافني في سمعي ، اللهم عافني في بصري

"La ilaha illallah" meaning "There is no god but God"

Ameen, wa sally Allahuma ala sayedina Mohammed wa sallim taslima katheera.. AMEEN!

The Quran ( ; ,, literally meaning "a recitation"), also transliterated Qur'an, Koran, Qur’ān, Coran, Kuran, and al-Qur’ān, is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God (, Allah) and the Final Testament, following the Old and New Testaments. It is regarded widely as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language. The Quran is divided into 114 suras of unequal length which are classified either as Meccan or Medinan depending upon their place and time of revelation.

final whisper: Ramadan Mubarak everyone!!!! <3 
Go here to see what the Quran is.. :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

some things to ponder about... :)

mood: dreamy
craving: rain

Salam Alykom and Hello to all my followers. This entry is short and sweet. I hope everyone has a great weekend. :)

final whisper: By the way, I'm wearing the smile you gave me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The story beind every picture..

mood: Thankful ツ
craving: a SANTANA concert

Salam Alykom & Hello to all my readers out there. Today is the middle of the week for my USA friends, and the weekend has just started for my Saudi followers, tomorrow for my UAE followers. I actually don't know when for the other parts of the Middle East, but none the less, have a  fantabulous weekend, my friends. This entry is kinda random. Sometimes I don't know how to put my feelings in writing. Y'all would have to have a chat with me to know how my mind thinks. I like to think I'm a bit eccentric in some ways. I think a lot, and can basically know what a person is thinking if they're sitting next to me. God gave me this gift. I like to put the puzzle together for most people. I'm a problem solver. I like to get into peoples' minds and see the beauty in everyone and everything.  I think everyone needs a chance to be heard and I'm just one of those "good listeners" . I'd like to share some photos with y'all. These photos talk to me. Everyone has what they love in life. Photagraphy just dances around me. It makes me smile. Some photos are mine and others are just from the net. Smile with me.

 Putting my make up on in front of my dresser listening to Tu Poeta by Alex Campos on my iPad. Incredible song, even if you don't know Spanish. It talks to you. YouTube it. I promise y'all won't be disappointed.

One of my best friends gave this picture frame to me. It stands for everything I believe.

My story will always have a happy ending. Always say, Alhamdulilah (Thank You God) no matter what. Allah knows what's best for His slaves.

I love you, San Antone... <3

 My solence

Twenty years ago, one of my friends from Italy introduced to me this most amazing treat. Ever since then, I can't keep it out of my home. Good times. Mi manchi molto, Lucia.

I love my iPad and black berry. I don't know if I could ever leave my BB. But, then again, when you get used to something, it's hard to change.

 I can't live without  a mac and BB. :)

I hear you calling me, Starbucks..

Berlin, my home away from home. I would like to go back to you, ride in a hot pink convertible Mustang and travel Europe.

Do what the picture says. :) :) :) 

 I do every night & day.

And I'm here to help.. I hope I have. 

I found mine...A big thanks to everyone out there who likes what I stand for, who I am and how I make y'all feel.

My journey has just begun


UAE needs her OUD <3

final whisper:

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...