Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certainly an eye-opening experience, and I'm happy to report that I made it out alive! and with my kids. A sarcastic joke. When one of my friends or family asks what kind of life I lived in United Arab Emirates, I say a good one. But, they're really asking, what goes on behind closed doors in a Muslim/Arab/cultured family. I immediately say, I never wore a wear my scarf inside, I lived a normal life, I didn't live in a tent. I was treated good: I acted silly, I talked on the phone to my best girl friends, danced in the kitchen while cooking, sang in the shower, watched tv, had a lot of dinner parties, went to my friends' homes, shopped until my little feet couldn't stand anymore, went out to eat with my girl friends and. ready for this? I even drove my very own SUV. I didn't ride on a camel. I did all that. I wasn't beaten or talked to badly and my in laws didn't just pop up when they wanted. We had our own villa. Everyone respected everyone there. So, yeah none of that bad stuff y'all think happened, happened. Or that y'all see on TV. I was a lot more social there than I am here in the states. Meaning, we always had to be somewhere or had guest. Be it, weddings all the time or at family events. The family life here in the States is a lot different than over there. Weekends here in the States are more quiet than the weekends there. I think everything in general is more quiet here and not such a fast pace. Having been back in the States for a while now, I've gotten over the culture shock. But I still get a jolt of surprise when I hear people say "y'all" and "fixin' to"! I hadn't seen my childhood best friends' older sister in so many years until they came over last night. In response, she laughed and asked, "How'd it go?" I answered her and we discussed the differences. I find it amazing how people assume that just because you're married to an Arab, you'll be treated poorly. Compared to the Middle East, I've witnessed more men treating women badly here. I'm talking about my friends' husbands and how they treat them.
There's a famous quote they have from the UAE. The saying goes, "Arrive in Dubai a woman. Leave there a princess." Did I leave there a princess? Yes, I did. Due to the fact that I have made it this far without the help of a man, I feel more like a queen now.
It was an amazing experience living there. The people I met came from all over the world and then some. A lot of people I know would never be able to do what I did. The most important thing for me is that I have learned a lot about life. Respect came before love for me. Love cannot exist without respect. Those are the things that happen behind closed doors in the Middle East, my friends. At least that was my experience. You've probably heard many scary stories. My world, however, was spared by it. After all, life isn't a textbook, but my experience in the Middle East taught me to respect the people around me and to live in a fear-free environment.
My Final Whisper: But my world did not escape the endless supply of falafel and hummus! And let's not forget shawarma! I guess Middle Eastern life is delicious!

Here I am.

I wish you all the happiness in the world, sweet souls reading my blog. On manifesting new beginnings: People want to know more about me (we'll cover that, too), but I know you're also interested in how my experiences can benefit you. I'm sure I can help you. There is no doubt in my mind that I can do it.
Whenever I write, I try to express what I feel from the heart. It would be great if you could listen to what I am saying. That's exactly how I write. Even though it's not the best, I try to get my point across as clearly as possible. What made writing this post so difficult? I haven't written on my blog for seven years. These writings will be different than they were seven years ago, for the simple reason that I have changed a lot. I just want to thank all those who have messaged me on Facebook and are excited to see my first post. So, here it is, but I also have my second post in the works as I type this. I'm as excited as you are. As of now, I'm fifty-three years old, and when I started writing, I was thirty-six years old and still living in Europe. I then moved to the UAE. Buckle up and read. This is a small synopsis It's great to be back!
The promise of God Whenever you ask for something, you will receive it. The affirmations my Auntie gives me are always so encouraging. There is nothing I love more than her. The woman is always right and so wise. She has such a beautiful soul.
My Final Whisper: The journey from wealth to minimalism has been incredible. I am sharing my real life with you here No matter what happens in my life, I am always optimistic. Love, muchly

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Off to adult.

It’s about that time. It’s about that time that our washer and dryer won’t make your clothes sparkle. Our home won’t hear you yelling at me in the early mornings to turn the music lower. Dinner times will be two plates set on the table, not three. Twenty two years since you’ve filled our home with laughter, tears, and happiness. Now you’re going out to adult in this big, wide world. Leaving where you always felt safe. 
Let me give you a bit of advice. 
Always smile, laugh and know that happiness is a choice. Be happy, never sad, life is too short to be sad. Do what’s in your heart and be real about it. Always give. Remember that giving is a lot better than receiving. Don’t ever expect gratitude from anyone; do whatever you’re doing with your soul and heart. Don’t own a lot of materialistic stuff in this world , be content living a simple, beautiful life. Know that I’m just a call away and anytime you wanna talk, I’ll be here for you. Always give thanks to God with whatever He puts in your life. Know that there’s ease after hardship and know that our home will always be just that. The door will always be open to you. God bless you and just be. Live in the moment and always have gratitude. 

Final Whisper: I write because you exist.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Just be.

People often tell us to be strong in situations , but I'm here to tell you to embrace feeling, weak, sad, and confused ! We need to 'just be!' and feel these feelings, without these feelings, we wouldn't know how it would feel to feel happy, excited, or at peace. 

Live in the moment and embrace the love you have for anything you love. Embrace it hard. Think of something that gives you that exceptional high. At the end of the day, we are all souls striving for happiness, contentment, love, and peace. 

Final Whisper: With all my heart I love you baby. - Anita Baker

Monday, April 25, 2016

She'll always be beautiful in my eyes.

As I looked outside my window this morning, I remembered her, her contagious laugh and her peaceful smile. I dedicate this to my beloved mother, whom I miss dearly! Even though I last saw her face almost 20 years ago, I feel like it has been forever since I last saw her. My heart misses her smile,  The embrace of her. The sound of her voice. Her wisdom. In addition to her loving touch, I could relate to nothing else but her. I now have my mother's strength, my mother's smile, and she is the center of my universe. My identity is shaped by her. I learned how to be free, beautiful, and happy thanks to you. Your absence is felt by me. Final Whisper: Her love never ceases to amaze me. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I've missed y'all.

It's been over 2 years since I've even written on my escape from the world. I missed y'all. I'm still living in Texas and living day by day. I hope everyone in the blog world is doing great. Here's a little piece I wrote. I hope y'all like it. 

If you feel that you're very down. Just close your eyes and say, "This is my journey. He puts me here. It's HIS plan. So, I have to carry on and trust HIM." Thank YOU God.

- Kristina Di Lodovico Simoni 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My love

mood: missing my son
craving: to hold him

Salam alykom and hello to all my faithful followers. It's a beautiful Sunday today and Im out in my garden soaking up the sun, watching my son play. I hope everyones been well. On to my entry.

I'm missing you today and everyday. As the wind blows through my hair and sun gleams on my face, I think of how you would be at this age. I think of what your voice would sound like, your walk and just your presence. I know this was for the best, yet I long to hold you close and make you feel safe in my arms like I make your siblings feel. We love you without knowing you. I long to feel your little arms wrapped around my waist and can't wait to feel that in the Hereafter. A mother's love is the strongest love below God's. We thank God for all and accept His destiny. Mubarak, until I see your face, I'll long for you. I love you. 


Your mother

Final whisper: missing you everyday. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Living like a stranger

Mood: happy
Craving: big red

Nothing stays the same. This last weekend was pretty nostalgic. While we were getting stuff in wal-mart for my famous briyani, I looked around at all the unfamiliar faces (every once in a while, I thought I saw a couple of people I recognized from back in the day) and honestly all the faces I saw there were just were unrecognizable and that kinda made me sad. There was a time where I could walk into wal-mart, or any store in Del Rio, and recognize everyone I talked to and it was enough if I just waved hello! It was enough that at least once a week I'd see those faces smile back at me. Now the people are from other places, not natives of del rio and are just passing by for a couple of years. Who said Del Rio never changes? I don't agree. If you lived out of Del Rio for the amount of time I did and went back you would know that it sure has changed. I take these words from my religion:

`Abdullah bin `Umar narrated:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) took hold of my shoulders and said, “Be in this life as a stranger or a passerby.” (Al-Bukhari)

If we are in the life as a stranger, a lot of things we go through wouldn't hurt us as much as they do. We would know we are only here for a short time and are just here to worship God and God alone. With that comes clairity and being obiediant to our Creator's wants for us. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not the most religious person in the world, but I know enough to want to please our Creator and to want to live in the gardens of paradise with my loved ones. Del Rio will always be a place where my heart will stay and with that said, I never want to have that feeling leave. All of you who still live in Del Rio and those of you who have moved away to make a beautiful family, will always be close to my heart. At one point and time, y'all made me laugh, cry or just made memories for me to look back on and smile, and thats what I will never forget. 

Final Whisper: God bless Del Rioans. I was just a small girl passing by at the age of 8 and left at age 29, only to return 15 years later. God has really blessed my life with y'all and my new friends from all over the world.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

None but ourselves can free our minds

mood: content
craving: to sit in the desert with a big camp fire

As I sit here wondering where my life will take me, I always like to go where my surroundings will mimic where I love and where I want to be again.  I pray day and night that i'll end up in the country that I love and loved me right back. Someday, someday. It's already been four years and it seems like an eternity, but the reasons  I'm back in my country, all make perfect sense now.

As the music gets louder, my thoughts about my future grow stronger. Listening to people speak the beautiful Arabic language, I remember so foundly my past years in UAE. Am I just in a dream now, will someone have to pinch me to wake up so I can just leave the life I had? Nah, it's okay. I've gotten a lot better in my judgement of picking what I want and actually, I do know what I want now. Thank you forties & of course Allah's mercy. 

Thank God for all His blessings He's  bestowed upon my kids and I. I thank Him for giving me the best father ever and my sister and best friends who are always there to comfort me in hard time. I believe whole heartlty that when the time is right, my other half will be better than Ive ever had. It's all about belief and faith, and I have that. 

final whisper: “… and My Mercy embraces all things.” [7:156] 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Live in the now..

mood: I'm back... OMG, its been almost 2 years! :o
craving: chocolate

A Big, Big  Salam Alykom and a Big, Big hello to all my followers out there. I know it's been a very long time, but as I always say, life happens and we gotta deal with it. But, I've missed y'all and I hope y'all missed me. :) 

On to my first post in forever... God bless y'all.

The other day I got asked if I was married, and if I was looking for something serious. I told this person.
I welcome anything great into my life, worry about nothing or finding anyone, they'll come when God brings him in my life... I live in the moment, truly in the moment.
By living in the moment we cherish life so much more. Bottom line is, my faith over rides any hardships, concerns, and worries that come my way. Live in the now.

  1. #myMacBookAirTime2blogAgain #snoopy #Gavottes 
"Verily, with hardship there is relief" (Qur'an 94:6)

"Perhaps Allah (God) may bring victory or a decision according to His Will."
(Qur'an 5:52)

final whisper: it feels good to feel the aliveness within you.

follow me on my Facebook account, Kristina Di Lodovico Simoni  welcome followers...I also have two Facebook pages. Muslims Unite almost 5,000 followers and I will never apologize for being muslim. Also my Texan after uae page (blog) 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pay it forward.. :)

mood: relaxed 
craving: tomorrow :) seeing my dad and taking him to lunch, he lives 30 min away from us now and we hardly see him. I can't wait to hug him and feel safe in his arms.. :) 

A great big SALAM ALYKOM AND HELLO to all my followers out there. I missed y'all. :)  I've been so busy getting my life in order ( a great thing) I just haven't had any time to get on the net. Aside from my busy life, I'm GREAT! Thank God. How's everyone doing? I hope y'all are great and keeping your faith high. I really miss writing, it's such a great therapy for me. In these 4 months a lot happened to me and I'm in such a good place in my life now. Alhamdulilah.

 My dad had four strokes in one week in June and I've given my all to helping him recover. May God guide him, ameen..

To all the haters sending me hate mail out there: please stop hating, it's such a waste of energy and time. Be happy and live life.

“There is no such thing as can’t.” Christopher Reeve

It's funny I've been divorced for over 2 yrs and I'm happy I didn't fall into the high percentage of getting married again after my divorce. I truly believe that you should be single for a while after a divorced. You should find yourself. How can someone get married so fast after a divorce? Well, this is my opinion  :) I love being single, I get to spend a lot of time with my kids and not have to worry about having to answer to anyone. But, with that said, I ask Allah to bring someone in my life who will be with me for the rest of my life and is a good Muslim and completes my life. Ameen

I've done stuff in these 4 months that I've never done in my life. Wow, it feels great!!! It feels great to be so independent and to take care of my kids with no one's help! It feels awesome. You single mamas out there, y'all can do it! If I could, y'all could.. :) NO worries, leave everything with Allah and do what you can to get ahead and have faith. Faith moves mountains. I have an amazing group of friends (sisters) here and they have really been there for me and of course my sisters (blood sisters) have been totally awesome. I can't thank them enough! My kids and I now live in our own place and I work and I'm loving every single bit of the (ease part of my life now). Verily with every hardship, comes ease. Yeahhhhh... It's all about FAITH & patience... :) Ok, ok. I'll stop now, I'm sure y'all are bored listening to me. I just wanted to up date y'all and give y'all some inspiration and love. Now, on to my short and sweet entry.

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might
be the only sunshine he sees all day.

Have y'all every paid it forward? Meaning, given to people for the sake of God? Well, all I can say is it's awesome. It all started 4 months ago, I met this one AMAZING person and let me tell you, I will continue to pray for her the rest of my life and will never forget her. She came into my life at a great time and since then, I have take all her advice and moved ahead in my life and not looking back. I started practicing what she taught me and all I can say is, WOW! pay it forward..

The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking the beneficiary of a good deed to repay it to others instead of to the original benefactor.

Do something nice for someone you don't know (or don't know very well). It should be something significant, and not for a person from whom you expect a good deed -- or anything at all, for that matter -- in return.

I won't tell y'all what I've done, I feel that's between me and God. But, all I can say is,  Pay it forward and do it solely for the sake of God. I've been doing this and the blessings I've gotten has totally filled my world with ease and more love than I have ever had in my life. Thank you God for everything you bring in my life. I look back on my life and I've had such an amazing life and I'm blessed and I never regret one thing I've done. God put everything in my life for a reason and I embrace it and hold it next to my heart. 

“Together we can change the world, one good deed at a time.”

final whisper; “Sail beyond the horizon; fly higher than you ever thought possible; magnify your existence by helping others; be kind to people and animals of all shapes and sizes; be true to what you value most; shine your light on the world; and be the person you were born to be.”

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...