It's a sunny day in UAE today. I wanna go out and eat the sunshine and lay on the beach where there's no one to bother me. I want to kick the sand around and run... I want to keep my eyes closed and dream about my childhood and dream about all those times I stayed at my grandparents' with my cousin Jen and how we laughed all night and listened to 80's music (Ring my bell; we played it over and over). I want to laugh with my cousin Melissa,annoy my Uncle Roy, make my Aunt Margaret yell at us and tell us to SHUT THE HELL UP. I want to go back to my childhood and do one more cheer in my backyard with my best friends Jessica and Margie. We knew how to let the neighborhood know we were there. I want to do cartwheels and run through the sprinkler. I want to sprint down to the minute mart and buy tons of candy, chips and Big Red.
I want to go back in time and watch my dad work in our most amazing yard, watch my mom cook up a storm while getting ready for all the guests we always had. I want to go back and feel my sisters' warm hugs, I want to hear my dad call my mom Veha (old lady in Spanish [when a Mexican or Latino says this to the woman they love its a precious nick name ->it comes from the heart] ) one more time and hear my mom laughing so hard that she cries. I want to hear Mom Pena screaming at us for buying the fried chicken we weren't supposed to. I want to be 16 years old, pile all my friends up in my car and blare out our favorite songs from the speakers.
Yep, those are things I did when I was younger. It's amazing to be able to reflect on all the silly things my friends and I used to do. Amazing to be able to remember the tiniest details of life that made me what I am today. I will never let go of my childhood.
We all grow up and wonder where we'll be in years to come... Who would of ever thought I would be a million miles away living in the Middle East... away from everything that made me feel happy and loved, and brought so many fond memories.
I'm now making new memories here in the Middle East. I'm just making more mature decisions, I know what I want in life and I would never wanna change what I have.
Here's to being nostalgic! God knows I am today.
If your wondering who's in that picture. It's me in the green little dress sitting on top of my sister, Mona. James my cousin in the middle. Jennifer in the pink dress, sitting on my other sister, Laura. <3
Awww...Don't worry abt the lost time! We all miss those sunshine times.. but inshallah we'll have shinier times to come by the Gace of Allah SWT
I'm not worried about the lost time. Not at all. In fact, I'm so blessed to have such great memories and a great childhood. Just being a bit sappy today. ;)
Wallah I knew it was you before you said! MashaAllah always a sweet heart!
I know exactly what you mean by "Feeling Nostalgic"! I can almost smell the Aquanet!:D
Sending much Love and Blessings from one Texas girl to another!! Miss ya Kristie!!
Oh I love thinking back on old memories! it gives your heart some warmth :) May Allah give you many more beautiful memories here in UAE!
love youuuu!
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