Thursday, February 11, 2010

You will always be in my heart - prayers - thoughts

Mood: sad
Craving: Seeing Christina/Gloria
Isn't it funny how life passes by so fast? It's been over 10 years since I've seen one of my mom's best friends and her daughter. I got some very sad news a couple days ago  and I don't know how to swallow it. My mind is racing and going back and forth to all the days we spent together, laughing, joking having bbq's in my back yard. The person I'm talking about is Christina (mom's best friends daughter). She's very sick; she got diagnosed with cervical cancer and now it went to her brain. It was too late to do anything when they diagnosed her.

  Cancer is such a ugly disease, it takes you down and crushes you if you let it. I can't imagine what her family is going through. I can't hold my tears back. This has really hit close to home. I never stopped thinking about them and always will have them in my prayers and my mind, but for now I have to be strong and call them. What am I going to say without getting choked up? What can I say to give her hope? I feel so lost.

I remember when Christina used to come over and all I would see is her big beautiful smile and her big dimples. She was so much fun to talk to. Always smiling and laughing. I still remember what her laugh sounded like. Her big dark brown eyes would glisten when she would talk. She's someone you just want to always be around, she's that positive energy kinda person. 

Glo, I want to thank you for being there with my mom when she was sick. Believe me, I'll never forget that. She loved you  like her sister. I wish I could hug you now, and be there in this time of need.

May God give you patience and ease your heartache ameen

Final whisper: Someone's thinking of you across the miles. I'm praying for you and asking God for a Miracle. Don't give up.


OmAbdullah said...

May Allah help her! You know, there is nothing that you can say that will help the situation, but just you calling, im sure inshaAllah, is going to give her heart a small boost!
Although it won't take away the pain, it will be some much needed comfort! even if it is only a 3 minute call. it really will make a difference, im sure of it ! inshaAllah

She is in my prayers inshaAllah

Nadia said...

I'm sorry to hear this. In such cases, you shouldn't pray for a miracle, but for her to find the strength inside her to fight and keep smiling. If God wants her to join him a little earlier than the rest of us, then she should remain strong and accept death not as a bad thing, but as a part of life. I pray she inspires others to face hardships with a smile on their face.
A close family relative was diagnosed with liver cancer a few months ago and was told he had 3 months to live. Instead of mourning, he spent the last three months celebrating life and having long talks with family members discussing deep issues, things you wouldn't be able to talk about normally. He forced me to look at death in an objective manner and I thank him for that. He told us he'd lived his life to the fullest and wasn't afraid of anything. In fact, he was excited to meet God. I kept on telling myself 'WOW'. I pray we all have that kind of strength when we die.

I suggest you write her a positive encouraging letter or call her.

Thanks for the post.


Nadia said...

I'm sorry to hear this. In such cases, you shouldn't pray for a miracle, but for her to find the strength inside her to fight and keep smiling. If God wants her to join him a little earlier than the rest of us, then she should remain strong and accept death not as a bad thing, but as a part of life. I pray she inspires others to face hardships with a smile on their face.
A close family relative was diagnosed with liver cancer a few months ago and was told he had 3 months to live. Instead of mourning, he spent the last three months celebrating life and having long talks with family members discussing deep issues, things you wouldn't be able to talk about normally. He forced me to look at death in an objective manner and I thank him for that. He told us he'd lived his life to the fullest and wasn't afraid of anything. In fact, he was excited to meet God. I kept on telling myself 'WOW'. I pray we all have that kind of strength when we die.

I suggest you write her a positive encouraging letter or call her.

Thanks for the post.


Umm Riyam said...

May Allah heal her and ease her pain and make this time easier on her and her family.

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

May Allah make it as least painful as possible for her.

I know it is so difficult to make that phone call for you-- do not feel bad if you are not able to hold back your tears (I know you want to be as strong as you can for Glo)--they are like family to you and Glo will take comfort inshallah just in that you are calling.

Esell said...

I am so sorry to know that and i really can't imagine how you must be feeling. I know you have this special bond with her because of your wonderful mother.Its really heartbreaking but you have to be strong and give her a call. I am sure it will bring a big smile on her face.the best thing you can do for her is to pray for her and be there for her by your prayers and support which you can offer only by phone or emails from miles away.
may Allah make it easy for her, and her family and friends including you ameen.
Love you!

Melissa said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, it's very sad :( Do give her a call, pray for her and her family and let her know you're thinking of her and love her.

Noor said...

May Allah give her great health and bring her to Islam Ameen..

I am sorry your going through this trust me I know the feeling to well as my mom had a stroke 2 weeks after we came here.. :(

If you ever need to talk I am here..

UmmKhaled said...

I am sooo sorry to hear this. Yes this is such an ugly disease I wish that a cure can be found and fast InshaAllah! I have my dear FIL going through this and also someone else very close to me with the same cancer as your friend :( Ohhh this post made me so sad and InshaAllah cancer can be something of the past :(

Texan after UAE said...

Ameen to all the beautiful duas (prayers) Nadia, welcome to my blog.

I talked to Glo last night. When I heard her voice, i got really choked up and couldn't talk. I had to talk, but couldn't for a while. She kept saying, hello, hello. I finally did and she started to cry. Poor thing.

Christina isn't doing well, at all. My heart hurts for her and I wish I was there to console her and console Gloria. Our prayers are with them.

We talked a good hour. I'll be updating y'all on MSU. God's willing.

Thanks for all the prayers. To my followers who don't leave comments, thanks for the prayers and thoughts.

Unknown said...

May Allah make it easy for her, how very sad.

No words really, cancer is a horrible disease, may Allah keep it away from us all.

It must have been heartbreaking for you, and talking on the phone would have been hard too, but at least they know how much you care.

May Allah everyones pain and suffering.

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...