Friday, March 5, 2010

A few sometimes and one always

mood: relaxed
craving: driving in my old convertible mustang with the hood down

sometimes: I laugh at things that really aren't funny
sometimes: I talk to my mom when I'm cleaning my home. (she passed away) 
sometimes: I dance with my daughter while cooking 

 sometimes: I wanna just keep my kids next to me and never let them go
sometimes: I cry when no on is watching
sometimes:  my heart feels like it's going to explode with love 
sometimes: I miss my dad so bad, I can't stop crying
sometimes:  I refuse to say, I'm sorry for something that I did wrong 

always: I can look at my faults and know that I'm never gonna be perfect and keep striving for better -. I can sit back and love myself for who I am and who I've become - I can be thankful for God giving me another day to worship him - thank God for leading me to the most compassionate , caring, loving, Peaceful religion, Islam.

final whisper: I love my life, not because it's perfect. But because it's real.


Miss Dreamer said...


This is the most inspiring and overwhelming post I have read for a long time!!

Sometimes I get speechless when I read similar posts;P

You are amazing.


Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

Mashallah, love this post!!

inshallah you get to see your dad real soon :)

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

i love your posts and blog already, i love how you make me think and evaluate my life, we have so much to be happy about and so much to be greatful for, our only concern should be how best to strive to please our lord
Allah bless you and your family ukhti

Wafa said...

so honest and so true. love it when people are honest with themselves :)

Nevin said...

beautiful post :)
touching <3

Dr. N said...

Very very sweet and touching post. I wish I have a way with words like you do so I can express myself. Everything that you wrote applies to how I feel sometimes. Thanks for conveying my feelings ;)

[[[ x Smiley x ]]] said...

This is such a beautiful post.
I love the second image.
Stay smiling!

skittles said...

Sometimes: I have no idea what i'm doing or who I am.

in the past couple of minutes: you have inspired me to create my reality, create who i want to be, and love God of loving me.

annfrendly said...

Nice entry..
It make me more motivated :)
" have a great weekend :D "

Anonymous said...

wow!!! i can relate to it. This is a very touching post.


Texan after UAE said...

Thanks you sisters. Your comments mean a lot to me.

Hijabis On Ranting Tour , I wanna hug you. (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))

God bless...

OmAbdullah said...

Very beautiful post! And the final whisper was perfect!

Amina said...

I love it! I read your blog a LOT, I just don't always know what to say. But I really liked this post too much not to say thank you for posting it <3

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...