Saturday, March 6, 2010

Her name always makes me smile

mood: reminiscent
craving: talking to my sister

While growing up I had the most amazing sisters, both of them are older than me and I always wanted to mimic their behavior.  As years went by, both got married and I longed for that special sister to always be there for me. Distance kept us apart, but not in heart.  Thank God we are a  close-knit family and my parents always taught us kids to always keep in touch, no matter how far we were.

 When our mother passed away, my dear sister Mona who lived across the states from me, always called me, every single day. Always checking up on me. I was very young when mom passed away , Mona was always so concerned that I wasn't doing well or coping.  I was lost. My sister Mona would always call me when I was feeling down.

Me and Mona... I was the little one. :)))

Like I said, we've all always been very close, but Mona was always there for me. She was the one who always checked up on her little sister, she's the one who called me everyday and worried about my well being. Forever I will be grateful for her great love for me.

When people meet Mona, they love her instantly. She is indeed, one of a kind.  Always finding the good in people. Always happy. Always just Mona.  No matter where I am in the world, you always manage to find the time to call me and I love you for that.

Mona, if you're reading this now, I want to tell you how much you mean to your little sis. Even though everything you have been though in these years, you were always positive and always had faith in God. Mona, you are my heart. You are my special sister. You are my gem.

final whisper: Thank you for being, YOU, my lovely beautiful sister.


rencontrer Pauline said...

Allah e5aleekm 7g ba'3ath ameen ^_^ for some reason I kinda liked mona,for how you write down about her, she seems such a powerful, passionate and independent which is beautiful ^_^ you're lucky to have a sister like her :) My best regards to her.

S. H. said...

Just want to say I love your blog and I think you should write a book, Your style is beutiful.
I hope you're doing good. hugs!

annfrendly said...

it's really touching,
you and your sister are wonderful and beautiful child :)

Mona must missed you so much..
Even though you're far but, you're always in her heart :)

~~big hugs~~

p/s: u had been tagged...
follow this link:

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

Mashallah what cuuute pictures!!

Alhamdulillah for the special bond sisters can have! Only we were the other way around. I am the oldest one so they always turned to me :D

Mashallah Mona understands you and is there to support you whenever you need her. May Allah always keep you close to her :)

hispanic muslimah said...

I meant to also tell you that I really like your new blog layout/template.

hispanic muslimah said...

Aww beautiful post!
I love my sisters so much too!
I pray that ya'll will have many more years of sisterly love together no matter what happens :)

Texan after UAE said...

@ Another-Penelope , thanks honey! I'll let her know.. (((hugs))))

Wafa said...

Texan, are not we lucky and we don't know !!! . Glad you know how lucky you are having a lovely sister you can count on :)

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

How lovely i have 3 sisters and love them all so much, we are close in age and get along great, i dont know what id do without them
im glad you had that too
lots of love

Bliss said...

You looked incredibly cute when you were little!

Lovely post xx

Aisha said...

this post is just gorgeous, i love the photos too!

i have 5 younger sisters, i hope a few years down the line when we're all going to probably end up being apart, they feel the same way u do about ur big sister :) xx

Soph! said...

I like Mona too. Just from the description :)

Miss Dreamer said...

Texan, my dear friend,

I was truly moved by the initimacy I have found in your post. It is touching and heart warming.

Allah y5aleekom 7ag baath Ameeeeen. And May you always remain as close to each other. Forever and ever.

Hugs hugs

Anonymous said...

omgg ur tlking about my mommma! i miss u soo much aunty loll i love ur websitee!! <3 miss u!

Anonymous said...

Oh KC you are "AWSOME" OMG You made me cry...good golly...Thank you so very much. You are also as Wonderful as you speak of me..Thank you thank you. I Love & miss you so so so much....God Bless You always & forever. Love your Sister Always.

Erika said...

I love the new background! :) I always love reading your posts, but this one specially touched me because I have 3 sisters and I love them all so much!


Texan after UAE said...

@ wafa, we are in deed lucky and blessed by God!!!!

@ Hijabis on ranting tour, Masha'a'Allah sis! there's something about sisters!!!! I Love it! I love your little blog! and will visit...

@bliss, thank you sis! ((hugs))

@ Ashi, welcome to my blog sis. No matter how far in distance you are from your sisters, y'all will always still be close in heart.. <3 Insha'a'Allah

@ Soph... :)) welcome to my blog! masha'a'Allah! please come again.. thanks sis...

@ Miss Dreamer, ameen to your dua... Thanks sis! it truly means a lot to me. :)) (((Hugs and love))) always..

@ sophia, Mama! I love you and miss you! so much! I'm so happy to see you commenting on my blog. Your mama is very special... Love you, my butter cup!

@ mona, everything I wanted to say is there. I love you! and loved talking to you today, for hours!!! thanks for calling... God bless you! always....

@ Erika, Thanks!!!! I'm happy you enjoy my blog. Sisters are very special.. :)

Erika said...

Aww, thank you so much for your comments on my blog! You're the sweetest :)

And, if I could, I would send you Denny's... ;D

OmAbdullah said...

AWwww mashaAllah how sweet!! I love this post. Sisters are so very special !

I would love love love to meet your sis one day. God willing! Mona, come to UAE !!!!

Texan after UAE said...

@ Om A.. she would love to meet you, too. :)) She tells me, it seems like I know her already. <3

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