Monday, March 29, 2010

It's a small world..

mood: really excited and taken back
craving: a nice BBQ with my best friends

Salam Alikom to my sisters in Islam and a big hola.gifto all my non-muslim followers and readers....

The above picture is Mexico. I always went there with my family. I have so many good friends from there. This is right on the border, where I grew up. 

As I sit down to have my morning cereal, I can't help but type on my keyboard a million miles a minute. So many things are racing through my mind and I am really amazed at how small this world really is.  Last night before going to bed I was playing with my black berry and I was reading my emails. I got this PM on my expat account and, basically, it was a lady who was asking me about Dubai. She said she's from my home town in TEXAS and she has been reading my blog.  She's really interested in knowing how the life is in Dubai. I was really excited and I wrote her back on my bb really fast, (note: I never do this: I usually wait for the next day to answer any emails I have received). So, here I am typing up a storm and really excited to get to know this lady from San Antonio, Texas. At the end of my last PM to her, I put my real name.

 I woke up this morning and found another message, from her. She wrote back and said, "Ok, are you from Del Rio?" I jumped out of bed and was like *shocked*. She proceeded on telling me her real name and her last name and her married last name. Well, it just happens that I grew up with this girl. She has been my friend since we were children. She lived by my house and we would see each other every day at school, from third grade till our senior year. We lost contact after we graduated. Life just happened. The funny thing is, the last time I seen her was in 2002 at Wal- mart and I was wearing my hijab and abaya (head scarf and big dress that covers my normal clothes). In the next couple days I had left to Germany, we exchanged emails at Wal-mart and just never got in contact with each other. It happens. I think she was taken back when she saw that I covered and was Muslim.

So, here we are almost ten years later and as of now, she doesn't even know that I am who she thinks I am. I really should email her now. I would think they're still up. Maybe. But, I was to excited to not make a post about it. I just emailed her now. LOL I couldn't help it.

The funny thing is, last night my husband was watching one of his forensic shows and a man by the name of Mr. Macary came on and he was a rapist and a murderer. I turned and told my husband,"Ew we had this teacher in high school by the name of Mr. Macary and he used to give all the cheerleaders flowers. He was creepy." My husband made a face of disgust. I quickly thought of my friend who wrote me last night, she was a cheerleader. That's not all. Remember the post I made, "When I say I am Muslim, you turn the other cheek," Well, I thought of her in this post...  Not that she did anything I didn't like when I met her again in 2002... but  I would of liked to know what she thought of me reverting to Islam and being Muslim. When she saw me, she seemed very taken aback.  It's funny how she was and has been in my mind these couple of days, and now she gets a hold of me. Kinda creepy.  But, I've always had this since I was little. I dream of things and they come true. Mind y'all, it doesn't happen a lot, but none the less, it happens. I have a sick sense to a lot of things. It's creepy and scares me a tiny bit.

Anyways, I guess that's all. I am going to make a double post today. Look out for my next one. It's going to be a fun post. Pictures galore coming up.

P.S. Dearest childhood friend, I honestly think it's a GREAT opportunity, for a small town girl to head out and experience one of the most amazing countries  ever.  I can't wait to talk to you and tell you what you wanna know.  People from all over the world are praying to come live here in United Arab Emirates. Y'all have the chance; take it and run. I also got a hold of Yoly Fuentes Ramon and we do keep in touch. She's honestly dying to come here to visit me here in UAE. Her Father in law came here and adored it.

final whisper: I can't wait to show you my home country and my husbands culture. God's willing you and your family will love it here. 

It was lovely talking to you last night. God's willing y'all will get some great news. 


Miss Dreamer said...

Hey my lovely sister whom I love a lot,

I like your post; it made me smile and feel so happy for you for catching up with your old friend. It is strange indeed how life sometimes hold such pleasant surprises for people and take them by surprise!

I am sure you two would have lots of fun sweetie. I am so happy for you.

Will wait for the coming post.

Rene´s Bare Essentials said...

Salaam Alaikum!

Wow, what a small world! Since she is reading your blog, she will probably see this post and realize that the two of you grew up together! I always love running into old friends. Everything happens for a reason, maybe through you she will learn more about islam and convert.
your old high school teacher Mr. Macary reminds me of a math teacher I had. He was very creepy and always flirted with the girls in the class. If youve seen the movie "lovley bones" he looks just like the killer.
Anyway, nice post and inshaAllah the two of you will get to catch up on old times and rekindle your old friendship inshaAllah.

Wafa said...

it's actually strange and funny. But these things happens all the time in the real word and since the internet is part of this so it's going to happen. Hope you have a renewing reltionship with her :)

SweetNovember said...

u remind me of my friend :(
since she got married she became so much away and then i came to the UAE so no more contact btw us :S
but who knows maybe one day ;)

Leila said...

Asalaamu alaikum!

That's so nice to hear you're finding old friends :). Mash'Allah. I know where mines are but it's been rough keeping in touch when you run out of things to talk about living on different sides of the world.

By the way, I joined the forum! It's very nice! Mash'Allah. :)

Medeeha said...

Assalamualikum; I have to say, something about this blog just makes me smile. Maybe it's the personal text box near the top beneath the simply adorable picture of that...what's it, white person giving a heart to a blue person...anyways,
just wanted to let u know I'm a follower, and have had a great first impression of your blog :)

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

it is a small world! isn't it funny how a lil' blog of yours reached someone who you grew up with who is living oceans away?

inshallah y'all will get to meet someday soon :D

UmmKhaled said...

It really is a small world Texie! I had so mch fun last night I can't wait until we can get together again. I wanna go shopping with youuuu..I want you to cme help me decorate my home. And make it smell good!!!!!

OK back to topic...Wow that is wow SubhanAllah I hope she does come here and we can all meet her and she loves it cause it is a beautiful place Mashaallah!

To the friend reading. I am Kasey a Canadian and friend of "Texan" Comeee it is soo lovelyyy!

EF said...
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MaryAnn said...

SubhanAllah...what a nice story, InshaAllah y'all get to meet each other here and keep in touch!

Mariam said...

I've had a LOT of those "OMG! What a small world!!" moments!!! It really fascinates me how we are all connected in this world! I hope you get to meet your friend soon :)

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...