Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Missing my family

mood: Texas sick
craving: laughing with my dad and siblings

I took the above picture sometime in 2007. I got this sign from a Market in Berlin. I was so excited when I saw it in my daughter's room now. These aren't things I would usually get back in Texas, but since I'm away, I try to get all that reminds me of Texas and my family. I sure will always miss my family, even more during the holidays. I only miss the gatherings. My mom used to decorate the house so beautiful. Yep, that's what I miss. Her smile and laughter and cooking. Like I said in another entry, my dad is a very quiet man and all i would see is him smiling at us or watching something on the discovery channel or news. 

Can I click my heels together and close my eyes and chant three times.. "There's NO place like Texas," "There's NO place like Texas." And would I end up in Texas now? *sigh* I talked to my sister, Mona, for three hours the other day. We laughed and giggled and cried as always. Talked about the good old days.  

Like Mom said, "You marry and you fly away from the nest and you make a new life with your new family." Some words of encouragement would do just great now. Living your life simple, loving without thinking and never giving up in faith in the all Mighty Creator. 

final whisper: Someday I"ll see my family again. But, just not now. 


annfrendly said...

i'm sure your family miss you too..
it's quite far between UAE and Texan..
every one who's leaving their hometown will miss it..
our hometown is still number 1 right?
~i'm praying all your wishes comes true~

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

Im such a baby and i dont think id be able to permeeanantly leave my family i love it, i have the best memories of my life from living with my family, only saying that now coz my sis got married and m bro got married, and its like me my mum and my 2 younger bt no so young sisters nd lil bro,and im getting married soon, just understand you are someones family and your with ur other family and they love you to bits and would miss you, so appreciate who you are with now, go create some memories right now, people always remembering their past memories forgetting to make memories 2 remember in a couple of years right now :)

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

Im such a baby and i dont think id be able to permeeanantly leave my family i love it, i have the best memories of my life from living with my family, only saying that now coz my sis got married and m bro got married, and its like me my mum and my 2 younger bt no so young sisters nd lil bro,and im getting married soon, just understand you are someones family and your with ur other family and they love you to bits and would miss you, so appreciate who you are with now, go create some memories right now, people always remembering their past memories forgetting to make memories 2 remember in a couple of years right now :)

EF said...
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Miss Dreamer said...

Texan my sweet friend,

It is hard to be away from your family, but remember that we all love you and that we you are family to us now as well my sister.

Your family here and there loves you so much:)))


dust n roses said...

i feel u on this while driving from a military base on the edge of kabul back home, i saw a fruit vendor using the state flag of california like a tarp over his fruit stand...i would never get a flag of cali, but in that moment, it made me miss home and feel closer to all my loved ones seeing it...and I WANTED IT!!!

Julie Harward said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog...sounds like you have an interesting life! Happiness to you! :D

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

So great you find me, and our blogs cross...
wise words, someday you will .... love the image of the sweet red shoes. Have a wonderful Wednesday! xo

S. H. said...

I love your dad for your words he saund like my dad he also love all discovery and travel channel and all that kind of programs, and you really know how to touch our hearts with your words, is not easy to leave our families but is a big or huge step in this live!
love ya, big hugs!
**I'm sure you don't need it but I have a spring promotion in my blog, if some one wanna check it are wellcome**

Dr. N said...

I completely feel you Texan. I was and still away from my family for almost 13 years now. It’s a little better now since I live in Lebanon which is a 6 hours drive from Amman, but it’s still away from HOME. I have these moments when I remember my mom in certain times of the day and what me and her would do if we were together, I feel that my heart aches and it is melting from love and missing. I can’t take my breath right now writing to you and having those thoughts.
Life is tough, but Allah SWT is merciful. So, whatever he chose for us and wherever the path of life will take us, let’s make the best out of it because it was meant for a good reason that we don’t realize but we will eventually.
BTW, my daughter has one of those road signs in her room :)

Kasia said...

salaam aleikum,

oh my, i can't imagine that. me and my parents are still living in the same city, but i miss them terribly, esp my mom. i can't imagine how it's gonna be when we finally move out. :n: it's heartbreaking.

Texan Teen said...

it's ok, we're just going to have to hold out a little bit more longer... 3 months....

Anonymous said...

I see you live abroad as well! It can be though, I know all about it. But at the same time it brings many blessings. Hope you don't feel too homesick daily. Nice to have found your blog

OmAbdullah said...

inshaAllah you will get to go this summer! I can only imagine how beautiful of a trip it will be! i wish i could come and see the reunion with your dad ! amazing!

I know you are one special woman! and I'm so blessed to have you as my friend so I can imagine that your family misses you dearly!!! I pray that will have a chance to come here to uae to see you as well! It would really be a great thing for them! to see you and your life! to see how your living, to see how happy you are!
May Allah reunite you with your family sis!

Love you loads

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

inshallah this summer will come in no time and you will be on that plane bound for the USA :)

Now, if only we can coordinate it so that I can come visit you at the same time...and we can go eat American sushi together!!! OHHHH you are going to LOVE it inshallah!

allllllll of course I am excited about food!

Texan after UAE said...

Thanks everyone for giving a sister support. :X :X :X

Dr. N.. Your post made me =(( (((hugs)))

dust n rose, (((hugs)))

(((hugs))) to alll and love..

MaryAnn said...

As Salaam Alaikum I am sending you big 'ol hugs right now. InshaAllah when the time is right you will be able to go and see your family. (((hugs)))

I am homesick for Texas too and I am praying that I will be able to go this June, InshaAllah. So I know how you feel.

I also buy those cheesy souveniers when I go back home so that I can bring back a little of Texas with me for memories ♥

Love you xoxo

Texan after UAE said...

Wa alikom salam MaMa MishMish, thanks so much. That would be great if we could met up in Texas. After all we're gonna be in the same city. I can't wait. We will totally have to get together with the girls. Isn't that something, I never knew who you were and Sara used to always tell me, when you live in UAE you have to meet up with (your name) LOL I couldn't wait.. Here almost 10 yrs later. WE met!!! masha'a'Allah. :-*

Standy said...

it must be hard.. but on the bright side, you still have contact with them =)

yala inshallah soon before you know it, you will be flying over to see them =)

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...