Sunday, March 14, 2010

My favorites

mood: mellow
craving: Thursday 
salaamsbanner.gif and hola.gifto all my followers....

I wanna share some of my favorites with y'all.

I love, love, love candles, especially vanilla. 

My favorite flowers are tulips 

my favorite shampoo and conditioner is Matrix Biolage. Makes my hair soft and silky 

My all time favorite perfume is TOM FORD, Tuscan Leather for men. But, can be worn by women. I love it. 


My favorite hot drink is... White hot chocolate. 


Favorite animal is a dog.  Golden Retrievers,  very well mannered dogs. 


My favorite food is Mexican.  Fajitas - chicken or beef


Favorite passed time is walking on the beach. 

Favorite movie: Breakfast at Tiffany's


Some of  my favorite quotes



Now, that y'all got to know a little bit about me, I wanna know about y'all. So.

I tag everyone who reads this. Make this your next post. :)

final whisper: be happy. Love life. 



Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...


i love German Shepards -- they are so cute as puppies and then so loyal as they get old!!!

Miss Dreamer said...

Texan my sweet sister,

I love this post! Now it has become one of my favorite posts!!

I love raspberry candles. Love Stella as a perfume. Favorite food anything Italian;P
Dad used to own a golden retriever named Sugar; was stolen!! Favorite movie )so many LOL).

Ummm what else? Oh yeah I adore the second quote here!!

And of course I love you so much


miss_dior said...

we have the same fav movie ,passed time,candels and animal....but i have a cat....that i founded in the park and i called it "Hermes" :D hugs! P.S good to know this things about you....

Mimisha said...

Great post :)
I took ur idea, i hope u dont mind.
By the way i love golden retriever 2, they really have such a nice character. im not a fan of dogs but they r really nice ones :)
The picture of ur fav drink just make me wanna go 2 a cafe right now and order somethign like this :)

rencontrer Pauline said...

I love Caribou Cafe :D thanks for letting us know what's ur favorites are ^_^

Wafa said...

the beach and the tulips are the only thing common between us :D
thank you for sharing your favorite things with us :)

Dr. N said...

We ended up having a lot in common ;;) I love candles and vanila is my favorite. I adore tulips, it's a soft flower and when ever I see it I can't hide my smile. I also LOVE the beach and am so thankful to be living by it right now :)
Thanks for the fresh post.

Smart CoOKie said...

Aww lovely post. =]

visible... said...

Salaam Alikom ...

Beautiful blog.. This is my first comment ..
I love your post..
My favorite color is Yellow..
My favorite animal is a horse..
My favorite hot drink is a tea...

That's all what I remembered ...

Thank you...
See yaa

annfrendly said...

Great posting..
So sweet.. vanilla candle.. walking on the beach..
yummy... white hot chocs and mexican foods looked so delicious...

Anonymous said...
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OmAbdullah said...

i love your favs and i love youuuuu!


I will do this today inshaAllah

Standy said...

hehe.. nice to know you better...
hmm, do i have to do this on my blog?

Texan after UAE said...

Aalia, German shepherds are one of my favs. :X

Miss Dreamer, I'm glad you love this post. :X I love you. You must make a post like this. I wanna know more. :X ((((((hugs)))))))

miss_dior, Hermes is a puuuurect name lol. I'm waiting for your post.

Mimisha, OOOo I totally don't mind, that's what I wanted. I can't wait to read it.

Another-Penelope, someday we just might have to have a white chocolate together. :X

Wafa, sweetie, I missed you. I can't wait to see yours.

Dr. N, we are blessed to live by a beach. I love it. I hope you do a post like this. I love getting to know my sisters. :X

Smart CoOkie, Thanks hon. :X

Strawberry, Wa alikom salam habibti. Thanks honey. I have lotads of friends who love yellow. :X loving horses. :X loving tea. :X Thanks for dropping by. I hope to see you regularly. :X

annfrendly, Thanks sweetie. :X

Mochness, :X I like cats, but not love. LOL

Om Abdullah, I love youuuuuuu! :X

heart/and/soul, I can't wait to read yours. :X

Standy, Yes, it would be wonderful. I love knowing more about my beautiful sisters.

Susanne said...

Very lovely! I enjoyed learning these things about you! :)Tulips are sooooooooo pretty! Too bad they don't last very long.

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Salam darrrling! I'm back!! Well sorta, I still have lots of studying to do. Mhm, I agree with that quote about being responsible for our own happiness. I used to say, "Happiness is a choice". Sometimes we get too emotional and forget that everything in this life is temporary - joy, sadness, hardship. We are too attached to this world to the point that we simply forget every single day is a test. We either choose to be happy and contented or not.

InshaAllah my future post will be about my favourites. Thanks for sharing!

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

woow sister what a lovely post, i wont mention our similarities ill do the tag, im looking forward to my next post now, i really really love your blog, it makes me smile and feel good whenever i come to it, i love the last quote and the happiness quote
so true
your sister

Texan after UAE said...

Susanne, yes tulips don't last long, but my goodness! aren't they gorgeous!!! :X

Shahirah, habibti ! wallah! i missed you and y our gorgeous little face. I saw you on MSU and wanted to see if you made a new post. "Happiness is a choice." whole heartily believe in this. I like that. We are to attached to this world.. AstagferAllah ( God forgive us) I like your thoughts! :X

I'm glade you made it there safe. :X

Hijabis, I'm waiting for your post.. Let me know... Thanks sis, your nice words are always so appreciated. That's just what I want my blog to be, a place where people can feel good. Just like my home. I wish I can always invite you sisters here and feel my home with more joy. :X

Abrar said...

Awww ,

I luv candles so hard . I like the hot chocolate drink too !

I'm inspired by your blog .. truely it's very very unbelievabally nice .

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