Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rain drops falling on my shayla


craving: walking in the rain

I'm sure if I went outside now, I wouldn't like what the water would do to my abaya. It would drag in the rain water and get soaked. That said, I love the rain. Can you just see two random Muslimah's running in the rain? I can see it now.

Picture above was taken in Germany. I used to love to watch the storms through our bedroom window. They were amazing. I should take a picture of the rain here. But, that's how lazy I am. I don't feel like going to my room and putting the lens on my cam.


Yes, can y'all see two random Muslimah's running in the rain? Hmmm, I don't think it would fly here in UAE, people would think we are nuts. Maybe it would fly in the States, but if we didn't cover it would be no problem. LOL oh well. The older I get, the more I don't care what people think. As long as I'm not making an ass of my self, I could care less. That said, I don't like to bring attention to myself and I like it that way.

So how's everyone doing? I guess this is mostly a random entry. I woke up at fajer and prayed and stayed awake. Made Abu A his lunch and we ate breakfast together. I like when him and I have "us" time, it's really nice. It's like it used to be. Raining outside and talking while enjoying a nice breakfast with the one you love. I couldn't ask for a better start to the day. I wish it wouldn't stop raining. I feel it's gonna be a really warm, humid day outside. I hope not. :|

Okay, I need to wash some breakfast dishes and then have my morning snack. Almonds? Sounds good. After that, get our lunch started and while cooking, call one of my best friends. I'm shocked I haven't talked to Om A yet. It's 10am and usually when I get up, she either leaves me a message on my bb or I call her since I wake up later. LOL I pray it's not flooded where you live, Om A. And for Mish Mish mama, I pray that your home and you and your kids are safe. I hear it's bad there. Twizzle, how's the rain there? Insha'a'Allah (God's willing) it's not bad. To all my UAE sisters, how's the weather in your neck of the woods?

We send down pure water from the sky. That with it We may give life to a dead land, and slake the thirst of things We have created, - cattle and men in great numbers.” (Quran- 48:49)

Have you not seen how God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it.. (Quran - 24:43) 

Oops, forgot publish this post this morning. It's 4:30pm. I have to many windows open. I thought I published it.. I guess not..... LOL

final whisper: Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.


Wafa said...

i love love love rain and i would love to run in the rain covered or not , but if it's hard in UAE, then it's harder in Saudi, lol.

Umm Omar said...

I love the rain, too. :-) Nice blog, sister!

Miss Dreamer said...

Hey Texan,

I am still sad.. and I still cannot believe that my relative passed away! But I needed a moment to get away from it all, and I felt like this post of yours refreshed me a bit. I love the rain, and it always fills me with hope and optimism:)

Thank you:)))))

Texan Teen said...

The weather was amazing today! It was raining pretty hard earlier this morning (:

S. H. said...

I love the rain is kind of melancholy, I don't know why you can't run under the rain or ride a bycicle...
I miss those things:(
About spend some time with your husband is very romantic in those raining days isn't it?...that's why I love the rain :)
I hope you and your kids are doing better with the cold. Hugs, kisses and blelessings.
P.S. love you like to cook and do all the cleaning stuff!

Dr. N said...

Oh how much I love rain and all sorts of wintery weather, although we only get rain here in Lebanon. I love to wake up to rainy days and I also love to be in my cosy bed while thunder is rumbling out side. When that happens I keep saying Alhamdulellah for having a home to keep me and my family safe, warm, and protected. I am glad that you had a good morning :)

Anonymous said...

I love the rain 2!!

Last Summer I went out with a friend we sat out in the rain in the back yard watching the sunrise...It was BEAUTIFUL!!

Thanks for bringing back the memories :)

Anonymous said...

I love the rain

Your post made me remember last Summer me & a friend of mine went out & sat in the rain in the back yard & watched the sunrise...AMAZING!

Thanks for reminding me :)

hispanic muslimah said...

Thanks for posting the Quran ayats in the end sis!
Today we had a mis of snow and rain mashaAllah it was a pretty sight looking at it fall on the leaves.
I like splashing in the rain during the heat of summers & I'm 23 I thought I was getting too old for it... the rain feels so refreshing during Southern summers.

Twizzle said...

you know I looooooooooooooooooooove rain girl!!

but friggin' Sharjah is flooding and its affecting the traffic in Dubai!! All a trip to Carrefour takes 5 minutes but right now it takes 20-30 minutes!!

and remember the other day I told you my SIL took 4 hours to get home from Mall of the Emirates!! it takes an hour and a half max in normal bad traffic. so thats real bad!!

last night about 2am it started raining really hard and was soooooooo windy.. I took a pic... maybe I'll post it on my blog...

OmAbdullah said...

Oh i loooove the rain too! lol @ you not posting it haha .... Alhamdulillah we were not flooded, but you know that already :P

I wanna come run in the rain with you :)

Unknown said...

When I was in UAE last year we stayed in Al-Ain. The night before we were going to leave it poured for an hour or longer with crazy thunder and lightning. I was practicing Arabic with a few residents and someone explained it only rains 2 days a year and therefore it is a great omen of fortune.
I explained I live in Portland Oregon and we have like 200 days of rain a year.

In fact, being a hijabi and running in the rain is practically all in a days work here. We Portlanders hardly ever use umbrellas, and hijabis come equipped with a hood (our hijabs), so we're set :) Plus I'm always running for the train, late for class or work :)

EF said...

It rained here in Beirut as well. Sadly, there is not too many rainy days left to enjoy... You reminded me Desert Rose of Sting...:)) I dream of rain heley - heley, I dream of flowers in simple desert sand...

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so beautiful. It makes me wanna be a better person/muslim. I've been trying to grasp on to anything I can lately to get back my iman-change courses on my blog-and I think hanging around blogs like yours will do me a world of good.

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...