Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sixteen years ago, today..

mood: =)
craving: a nice big juicy apple
Salam Alikom to my sisters in Islam and a big hola.gifto all my non-muslim followers and readers....

Years go by so fast and you look back and can't believe where the time went. I did that today. I looked at my daughter and was shocked to have seen the date and remember sixteen years ago, I was due with my precious little girl. I'm happy to say, in these almost (5 more days) sixteen years, she has been the best little thing that has happened to me. She's my daughter, best friend, helper. I'm very blessed.

 She seizes to amaze me everyday of her life. Her bright smile and even her corny ways make my heart skip a beat. She's gentle, kind and so very shy and at the same time, she knows who she is and knows what she wants in life. She makes me proud. She's adapted so very well here in UAE, as she says, goes with the flow.

Since, as Muslims,we don't celebrate birthdays, and never have since I've become a Muslim, there will be no party for her. But, that doesn't mean that I don't thank God for her. I thank Him every single day while I pray and while I'm making dua though out the day  (supplicating.)  Birthdays are over-rated anyways; a lot of times even your closest family members forget the date you were born, and you end up feeling really bad, just like other holidays.

May God bless my daughter every single day of her life and give her a good life, let her grow up worshiping our Rubb and let her be the best Muslimah she can be ameen

final whisper: I love you, baby girl


Wafa said...

Masha'Allah , tabarkAllah. May Allah keep her safe and healthy and strong. And i pray that she would have long and happy and amazing life :)

athoofa said...

mashaAllah!!! What a beautiful post aunty pie *wub* It really, really touched me. I even made my roomie read it, and she did with a smile on her face

You really deserve having a loving, precious daughter like her. You are seeing your beautiful character and upbringing in her as she grows. She too is so lucky to have a lovely, caring mom like YOU! Allah has Blessed you both!

Aameen to your dua! May Allah Keep you both for each other always and Protect you'll!!

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

Heey Mashallah, may allah keep all your family on the straight path and give you all good health and everything you wish for , happy happy happy birthday/alf mabruuk to your sweet daughter,, ill sing for her in my retarded voice *Sanaa 7elwaa ya amberr, Sanaa 7elwaa ya ambeer :) Mashallah i lvoe your post as usual
naz <3

Anonymous said...


Masha Allah. Allah yehfadh-ha for you.

So cute!

Say hi to her ^^

Mimisha said...

May Allah protect ur daughter and give her happiness in her Life :)

SimSim said...

I came and read ur post !! but I didn't write anything !! I am really speechless I can't find words after all what u wrote about ur daughter .... may allah protect her and be raised and have the wonderful life she dreams off ....

miss_dior said...

i wish your girl all the best!!!! she is so cute!!!and she is lucky to have a mother like you!! i bet there is a lot of complicty between you both! :D Happy Birthday! and warm hugs!!

Smart CoOKie said...

Aww that was so sweet. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter.

But why don't you celebrate it? Nothing big just a cake and a gift would be nice. I know they say it's haram and whatever. But I don't believe it is. Never mind me.

May Allah grant you and your baby girl all the happiness in the world XOXO.

Anonymous said...

Mahsallah, though I have to say she is going to hate you for posting that picture of her! When parents start showing baby pictures, we want to destroy all albums!

Anonymous said...

aww: mashaAllah, this post made me say awwww out loud =) :wub: Ameen to the adiya! *hearts*

LyddieGal said...

What an adorable baby she was! Happy Birthday!

Chic on the Cheap

Amira said...

aww Mashallah such a cute picture. Ameen to you dua and May Allah bless your family. Ameen.

Ze2red said...

May allah bless you both, and grant you his love all the way through your lives.

Miss Dreamer said...

Masha'allah Allah y5aliha for you and bless her with happiness and health and success and everything good in the world. May she realizes all her dreams in life and make you even more proud of her.

I love you both
Give her a hug for me

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

awww Mashallah for having such a wonderful daughter!! she is a great young woman who does help you out so much and is a very good big sister Mashallah :)

May Allah keep you both close and help her achieve all of her dreams!

Noor said...

Asalam Alaykum, I have to say that you are right you are blessed mashAllah. She is beautiful inside and out and I pray to have a daughter one day just like her inshAllah..

She is such a blessing and I pray that only the best happens to her in her life Ameen.

Bliss said...

Awww mashallah tabarakallah your daughter looks ADORABLE! xx

Anonymous said...

this is a great blog!! realllllly catchy name for us texans...and ur daughter mashalla soo sos os os cute!!

Dr. N said...

Happy birthday to your young lady. Our daughters are few days apart. Mine will celebrate her 16th b-day in mid april.
I also ask myself, where has the years gone? it was like yesterday when she was 1 and starting to walk and say few words, and now they are getting ready to go to college and Allah knows what's next!!
May Allah SWT protect them and furnish their comming days with happiness, reda, iman, and success. Ammen

Shahirah Elaiza said...

MashaAllah! =)

Happy birthday Amber. I can tell from your writings that you are an intelligent and thoughtful person, mashaAllah. 16 years ago you changed your momma's life for the better. Always remember to continue to love and cherish her! Know that we love you for being true to yourself and for simply being the naturally amazing you! =D

*sniff* Mother-daughter relationships are so touching!

Whisper said...

Mashallah she looks adorable :)

Don't worry about her as they said "like mother like daughter "
You taught her how to take the right road,you can let her go now and be sure that she will take it inshallah

Ameen to all your prayers

Erika said...

What a lovely post, the two of you- mother & daughter -are very lucky to have each other :) I wish only the best for you and your family.


Maryam said...

Even though we don't celebrate it, it doesn't mean we can't say 'Happy birthday' to her. I wish her all the joy and success in her life, inshAllah.

[[[ x Smiley x ]]] said...

awwww, mashAllah!
she is beautiful :)
may the almighty continue to shower His countless blessings upon you & your family, ameeen :)

Texan after UAE said...

Ameen to all your wonderful beautiful duas. Welcome new sisters! and thanks for dropping by.

annfrendly said...

beautifull baby..
she's sixteen now..
may all her dreams and wishes comes true and being solehah daughter :)

OmAbdullah said...

mashaAllah what a beautiful post! May Allah protect her always. Ameen! You are one lucky mama to have such a beautiful loving daughter! and she is such a lucky girl to have such a loving caring cool mama !!!

love you both!!

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