mood: wide awake
craving: a nice hot white chocolate
Jummah Mubarak and
Salam Alikom to my Muslim Readers and Hola to my non-Muslim readers and followers.
I threw a party a couple days ago for one of my most special friends/sisters. She is one of the most amazing women I ever met. She stole my heart and many others hearts. She is on her way to start here new amazing life. We love you Essel.
I wanna share some of the dishes we had.
Get ready to drool.
Tuna cakes
chicken casear salad
I don't know what they call this. But, it's good. A salad with egg plant and parsley, chickpeas and pine nuts.
Lasagna with the chicken biryani
Today's desserts for our family lunchen. I wish I got our lunch, but I totally forgot. I guess I was to hungry. LOL
chocolate drops
sliced bread cake
final whisper: May God give you and your husband a happy long life together ameen
I hope y'all enjoyed the pictures.
you're making me hungry sis >.<
nice blog you have. :D
A delicious-looking spread!
Oh what a spread! The samosas and tuna cakes look really tasty, and the cake balls -- I could eat them all!
Chic on the Cheap
Talk about a mouth-watering post...
salaam alaikum,
As a pregnant woman I shouldnt have looked at the pictures, but I couldnt help myself. Now I want to run to the store and pick up the ingredients to make everything! I miss samosas, they are so yummy! I used to live in a huge indian-pakistani community in the U.S. and I took advantage of all the good indian food, which unfortunately I can only find here in Madrid, a good 1.5 hour drive from where I live. The chocolate balls look delicious!
Can you adopt me so I can have stuff like that for lunch everyday?
many food there...
look so delicious..
mashallah. thats like all my favourite food right there!
Ahem I am starving now and I want to try all those dishes!!
That is so sweet and I love they way you gather and celebrate sweetie.
Can you pass a napkin, because I'm drooling all over the place lol. I love throwing parties and playing hostess as well lol.
Oh wow...the samosas, I have no idea what they are (going to have to Google it!) but I want! They look like crab rangoons, one of my most favorite foods ever.
It all looks so delicious!
i just ate and now i'm hungry again! shame on you ;'(
oh, thats wierd I thought I posted a comment before I went to bed!!
anyhoo, the food look yummylicious and I am sorry I missed the party!
MashaAllah that was so sweet of you to throw that party for Esellita! :D
i LOVE all the food here! yum yum yum!! <3 <3
Bismillah Masha Allah your blog is beautiful :) I'm wondering how do I rate it now ... hmmm...Zillion stars and more
Allah Bless You :)
Oh my. You're pretty much amazing. What a great hoast! :D
Poor ultrablue. Haha. I won't even come close to this.
id like some of the qahwa and the flan :)
looks really yummy and i just wish i had the opportunity 2 go 2 partys like this 2 :S
Wow wow wow! Mashallah everything looks soooo amazing!
Btw I feel terrible I haven't been around on the forum and here, but I've never been busier. I'm leaving tomarrow for Umrah (inshAllah!!!), but I'll be a lot more active when I come back! :)
hehehehe they are like "Laish Hatha bint taking picture with hatha te-le-phonnne??" hehehehehe you were shy...awww just when they leave the room "snap" and then again "snap"
Mashaallah the food looks AMAZING..No wonder it is hard on the waistline and bum-line here...really it IS!
Love KAsey
Hehehehe at Kasey :)
MashaAllah this was really, really wonderful what you did for Sweet, Sweet Esell.
Everything does look so yummy...especially the cake balls...yummmmmmmmm!
salam :))
everything look so yummy, sister! im drooling now...and you're making me hungry! hehehee.
takecare **hugs**
Masha Allah your blog is so beautiful with good articles and photos
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