Saturday, March 20, 2010

Who's Texan in UAE...

mood: silly
craving:  going to Dubai to visit one of my sweetest most loving friends. 

Salam Alikom my Muslim readers. Hola to you non-Muslim readers.

I think its time to get to know a tiny bit about me.  Don't y'all love to go read blogs and know about the person who's writing? I do. I think it makes it more personal. I have nothing to hide. So, here it is. 

I am a loving mother who cherishes her two beautiful kids. I thank God for them every single day, several times a day. I have two wonderful children. My daughter is sixteen and son is two years old. He terrorizes my daughter, day in and day out, poor girl.  They're my life and every heart beat.

 Since I've reverted to this wonderful most beautiful religion, Islam, I've kept myself busy with an all woman's Islamic forum. I've had that since 2004 and it's brought so much joy and love into so many sisters' lives. I've met so many wonderful women from around the world and bonded with them as I'm bonding with my blog sisters in the blog world. It's lovely. I can't say enough about it. 

I'm a very easy going person and I love the color PINK, only in clothes/make-up, NOT in the home. I love animals: dogs are my favorite . I love to act silly and  get together with my friends and cook up a storm for them. I like to think I am a good friend and will always try my best to help anyone if they need help. I love anything that smells good, candles and perfumes and  house oils are the best. I love to keep my home nice and clean.

I am married to a brother from UAE. I've had the ride of my life since being Muslim and marrying a man from another culture.

I like to watch chick flicks, grab some popcorn with chocolate and chill out with my daughter.

My family and I lived in Germany for five years, because Abu Azooz attended a university there. We learned so much living there and our daughter speaks fluent German as does Abu Azooz.  I understand more than I speak.

As y'all know, we are living here in United Arab Emirates, and we have lived here going on 3 yrs. It was the biggest culture shock to me when we arrived and we laugh about it now. It wasn't funny at the time. Ask my two best friends, Twizzle and Om Abdullah. I was so ridiculous. I'll make another post in the near future and let y'all know what things made me cry.  I wouldn't ever wanna live any other place in the world. UAE is my home.

I was born in San Antonio, Texas, but raised on a border town. Mexico (where my grandfather was from) was only a hop-skip from my house. We always went there . I haven't been back to Texas in almost ten years. It's been a long time, but God's willing, we'll be going back to visit.

I taught myself Spanish, because Mom and Dad didn't teach us. Just thinking about my Dad's parents and them not knowing any English makes me giggle, because I had to teach myself. I asked my dad a while back and he told me, "It's so y'all wouldn't understand when your mom and I spoke." LOL I started learning Spanish when I was in grade school. I had no choice. Now, thank God, I speak Spanish and just miss it so much.  I miss my Latina sisters back in Texas.

Well, if theres anything else y'all wanna know come join my all sisters forum and get to know more about me and my family. Don't be shy to join, you won't regret it.

I've enjoyed the blogging world so much, it brings so many inspiring stories and I love that. I think it has really brought out the better side of myself. Thank you everyone for keeping up with my little posts. Your comments really make me smile.

Keep all the great blogs coming. I get so lost in them, especially the inspiring stories. They take me to another place.  I love going to that other place. I hear nothing around me and can really just read forever.

final whisper: Thanks to all you readers/friends out there. If my posts have helped just one person, I am happy. 

P.S. I tag everyone who reads this. I would love to get to know more about y'all. Please make a post.



Maryam said...

A beautiful post, as per usual. I'd like to know more about how and why did you convert to Islam and what was your previous religion. It's just curious.

Since you've been living in UAE for so long, do you speak any Arabic, by any chance?

And to answer your question: Yes, English is my second language.

Thank you for tagging me and I shall write up a post soon. Stay tuned.

Miss Dreamer said...

I already know that you are a wonderful person Texan, and the more you reveal about yourself the more excited I get to know more and more about you my sweet sister.

Love you

Noor said...

MashAllah lovely story.

Twizzle said...

Mashallah great post :)

but... yes.... her culture shock... was something out of this world LOL I kept telling her "a year from now you are going to laugh at yourself for all of this!!"

SweetNovember said...

Nice share :)
God bless you and your family and keep you safe :)

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

I did the same post as this lvoe you and love getting to know more about you-the forum is so great :)- i wanna know if you speak arabic too- excited to read the culture shocks post-im Arab and get culture shocks here so imagine what happened to you :)

Wafa said...

i love love love your post, it's obvious how an easy person you are, you talked about yourself so easily. and i love that :)

i have talked a lot about my life in my blog, i guess i am boring now, but hopfully will do so again soon :)

ᖇᗩE said...

beautiful blog and i loved it :)

EF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said...

Loved reading this Texan
I've been reading your older posts and can't help but be amazed with your style of writing : )

God bless you and your family

Smart CoOKie said...

Love your post but now I have this question. If you don't mind me asking, how and why did you convert to Islam?

Sara said...

Aww Mashallah awesome post! It was so nice getting to know some more about you. My parents are holding a jammah here and it is made up of Muslim converts , it was so nice to hear their stories. Mmm popcorn and chocolate :) Anyways I love your blog so so much!

aynzan said...

I love your style of writing..

Umm Afraz said...

Assalaamu Alaikum!

OMG! I dint know you had a blog! SO adding ya!

Salima Al Masrouri said...

Salam Texan!

Lovely post and lovely Blog! :)

Thanks for following me :D

OmAbdullah said...

lol @ your parents and their secret talk :)) And yes I'll never forget your culture shock :))

Love you and your blog!

Texan after UAE said...

Thanks sisters!!! Sorry, been a bit busy with life. I'll be back to answer the questions. But, I gotta run now. Welcome new sisters! (((hugs))))

zahra said...

Mashallah sis! such a beautiful post. i've adored every single entry in your blog. there is so much sincerity in your writing and i feel so much support! xox

UmmKhaled said...

Aww I love who little you is...and yah I am going through that culture shock RIGHT now...Love you!

Susanne said...

Enjoyed this. :)

Jennifer said...

essalam alaikum,

i love your blog! i wish i had more sisters to hang out with who were also converts like myself, but here in algeria i just don't. insha'allah i will join your forum. thanks for sharing, jazakallahu khairun

Texan after UAE said...

Aww thanks sisters!!!! Jennifer habibti! welcome to my forum! you will love it there. (((Hugs))) I can't wait to know more about you. I am off to your blog.

Susanne, i need to go to your blog! I'll make it a point, God's willing! tonight. (((hugs))) Awww Kasey wa Um Khaled. I love you too! so much! i wanna see you soon!!!! miss you.

Zahra, thanks honey!!!! your very sweet!!! ((((hugs))) loving your little blog!!!

Jennifer said...

essalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuh, masha'allah sister, entering islam then being blessed with a beautiful family are such blessings... beyond words. may allah protect you all and give you the best in this life and in the next. i love meeting other reverts, sometimes i get lonely living in the desert w/out anyone who can really understand me. *hugs*

Texan after UAE said...

ameen to your dua, Jennifer. I feel bad that your there without friends. Believe me, I've been through just what you're going though. I feel for you. Well, now that your on my forum, you can make new friendships. (((hugs)))

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...