Sunday, September 19, 2010

Living in Texas...

mood: sleepy
craving: caribou with my bestie. :( Miss you

Salam Alikom (Peace be with you)  to all my Muslim readers and Hola to all my non-Muslim readers. I've been really, really busy these last couple of months. Came to Texas to visit, and ended up staying here for good. :) It's all good.   I just wanna touch base with y'all. I hope and pray everyone is doing good.. I hope that I can keep up with my blog again, but since I'm going to be really busy, I won't be posting as much. I've missed everyone. Hope all is well. 

final whisper: I miss you 


swera said...

heeeey long time no see Kristie?!!! hope all is good! and enjoy ur stay in Texas :)

aneebaba said...

As salaamu alaikum Sis!!!! Wow, you're back in Texas! Anyways, good to know you are still out there somewhere, hehe - it has been a long time, but thanks for letting us know that things are all good. It's ok if you can't blog so much, it gives us that warm and fuzzy feeling inside to get these few lines from you.

Take care and yeah, I had stopped following, so though I am first on the follower list at the moment, I'm not NEW :-)

We missed you!

With respect and love,
Br. MF

MoOn said...

Welcome back Texan..I've missed your blog really...<3

Anonymous said...

WOW , You're back *hugs hugs hugs*
We're good , and we truely missed you , Welcome back

..★.. said...

happy you are ok i was wondering where are you :)

Hamid said...

walaikum salam.WELCOME BACK.MANY HAVE MISSED YOU.nice to know ur in texas NOW.

Joy Palakkal said...

Nice Blogging..
Have a great Time...
Thanks for your visit and comment..

UmmRania said...

Assalamu Alaikum

I am so glad to see you....ya know virtually. Anyway you are in my duas and I love you very much my dear sister and I pray for the best for you of the dunya and aquira. I hope I can read more from you soon!

Take care of YOU!

Anonymous said...

Salaam sis!!!!

Sooo nice to see u!
I was just wondering the other day whats up with youand wy u dont post anymore.. Glad t know you're just busy :)

and woww!! You're in texas!! Thats just sooo awesomeee!!!
Have a great time girl!


oldie goldie said...

you know i missed you. so glad to have you back! love ya sis! ♥

Firefox said...

Hey. Welcome back! I've been wondering why you vanished! Hope you're well.

Anonymous said...

Welsome back to blogging! :) I'm so sorry to hear about your divorce :(

Esell said...

Assalamu Allikum sweety,

So good to have your blog back too like you, missed you heaps. always praying for you inshaAllah. I hope to see you and your blog going strongly and positively inshaAllah.
love you.

Shahirah Elaiza said...

You're back! We've missed you from the blogosphere. Hope Texas is treating you well =)

Miss Dreamer said...

OMG!! I have missed you this much and been trying to get hold of you for a while! I lost you from my bb list and I don't know how! You and Om Abdulla, I even tried re-inviting you both but it didn't work out!! And because I have been away from bloggting for quite some time, I did not know you were back here, but god am so glad you are back:))))

Will write to you soon.
Have so much to say!!


Love you

dust n roses said...

I've been MIA for awhile too, but back, I just did a post on Current Fashion in Afghansitan, check it out when u have time..And i'm glad to see ur still around, even if less so...Hope Twizzle is okay too, she's also been MIA!

suusuu9_9 said...

Welcome back sis...I've missed your blog really. I can see you again, I feel happy :')

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...