Mood: Really, happy.....
Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, Happy birthday dear Kristie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. :)
Salam Alykom my brothers and sisters in Islam and Hola to all my non-Muslim friends and family. I hope yall's weekend was great.. I think it's time for me to change the banner? What do ya'll think? Texan in Texas? LOL My birthday was nice, my son and I spend it together with some of my Muslim sisters.
The other news in our household Is, I was the last in our house to get the flu, so one of the sisters (mama sara) took care of me. Thank God for her. Other than that, we are doing well, alhamdulilah wa mashallah. Just living one day at a time. I'm looking forward to the new year and God's willing this new year will bring me much happiness and success for my family and I. :)
It's almost been one year since I've started this blog, I hope to continue on with it and make a different blog theme. Until then, I'll think of something catchy. <3 This post was very random and I'm a random kinda gal. Until next YEAR. Have a happy new year everyone. :) :) :)
Final Whisper: going on with my life.... ;)
Happyyyy BDay dear :*
Jared Leto's bday was yesterday too! hhmmm i envy u <3
و hapPpPpPy b-day to u :)
Salaams hermana!
I'm sorry.. I don't get that last part! I just got here... do you mean I should stay away too?!! LOL :)
Can't wait to see what title you come up with...
Happy Birthday...maybe call it...
Texan, after UAE then you can keep the same banner...and it is a nice title.
Oh wow! Texan "After" the UAE is a great idea.
Thanks, everyone!!!
Kasey, that's a great idea for a name. Thanks. I think I'll use it. :)
Happy birthday!
and..Happy New Year <3
I hope your life will be blessed with a lot of happiness :)
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