Monday, January 17, 2011

Letting go.....

Liz Akhavan - Loved and Lost with lyrics
mood: Not really ready... But, doing it...
craving: Not forgetting anything!

There comes a time in life
when you have to let go of
...all the pointless drama
& the people who create it
and surround yourself with
people who make you laugh
so hard that you forget
the bad and focus solely
on the good. After all,
life's too short to be
anything but happy.

final whisper: I will miss you A LOT


Wafa said...

it's always the right time to let go, we should do it over and over again until we do let go.

Thanks my dear :)

Salima Al Masrouri said...

It's part of life. You have to let go of the dearest things to your heart at points and it always happens for a reason...and it can always be for the best :)

Miss Dreamer said...


Finally! Where have you been?
I sent you an email a long time ago, have you received it?

Fahad said...

I agree totally. Many people, men and women alike, are "drama queens" fact, some are the "lord of the drama queens"! All they crave is causing tension and problems, at the minutest things, and make a federal case out of it. The end result, they lose...a lot.

A thousand hamdillahs to Allah for keeping me away from such people, and may Allah cure them from this sickness.

اللهم احمنا من كل مكروه ويسّر أمورنا و انصرنا على الظالمين اللهم آمين

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

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