Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ohh how I love thee..

mood: =)
craving: NY.NY
Salam Alykom my brothers and sisters in Islam and hello to all my non-Muslim friends and family. I'm sooo lazy to write in my blog. I've been soooo busy lately and haven't really had time to come and blog. Today is busy, as my kids and I are going out to lunch with one of my closest friends and then shopping. :) Tomorrow one of my friends is coming back from Saudia Arabia. Her and her brother are studying here in San Antonio. :) I've missed her so much. They've helped me and my kids in more ways than one with us moving here back to Texas. I just can't wait to see her and hug her. <3 What else? Hmmmm. I guess that's it. It's rainy and cold here. I'll try to be a little more creative with my next blog entry. :D Have a wonderful weekend. :) 

I would always  rant and rave about NY and tell my girlfriends I was gonna live there someday.  I looked at NY when I was younger with WIDE EYES, always wanting to go there and live the fast life.

These days we travel around Germany and it often reminds me of NY. The architecture of the buildings, the way people don't really use cars to go down the the market, the riding of the bikes everywhere, the homes so close together in the city.

Ah, I think I'll keep pretending to myself, pretending I'm in NY. Cause I never got to live there. After all, my heart will always be in America and a tiny piece will always be in NY. But, I can imagine can't I?

I wrote this on Dec 25, 2006...

final whisper: I will just be


sheeshany said...

So the NY dream came true ;)

May yr friends arrive safely and enjoy their company.

Texan after UAE said...

Haitham, how are you? thanks for following my blog.. :) WEll, last night we went to see them. :) I had a nice time yesterday even if it was rainy and cold. Dinner with good friends and my kids and starbucks and off to visit my friends who just got back from Saudi.. Then after, shopping. :D CAn't ask for a better day.

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...