Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just making a point... :)

mood: Proud 

Salam Alykom dear sisters and brothers in Islam.. Hola to all my non-muslim followers. Y'all are lucky today, I'm making two entries. :) I was just so blown away by my daughters FB wall chat with my Aunt. I'm so proud of her and proud of how smart she is. :) By no means are we ignorant and we are very much open minded people. My parents raised me and my siblings to be this way. So, my daughter is very opened minded too. I love this way of thinking and push ignorance out the window... No room for ignorance in this family. Now, on to my entry. :) Have a nice evening everyone.

Aunt: well, get ready, Mansfield ISD near Dallas will require all students (middle) to learn Arabic and its culture :/ even though they have very few Arab residents there. They applied and received a grant. What's next?

Daughter: I think that's neat! Arabs have influenced so much in the modern world. Not to mention that the culture is super interesting...

Aunt: Texas second language is Spanish, our kids need to learn spanish as their second language. They can learn other languages in college (their choice).

Daughter: Wait, so they're not going to teach Spanish anymore?

Aunt: I don't know, they didn't go into that.r

Daughter: They're just going to start a program that explains how Arab culture has influenced Western society. A lot of things from the Middle East have... been brought to the West. It's only right if Americans have an idea. Plus, it'll broaden their minds and teach them not to always associate Arab with terrorist.

Aunt: well, that's ok if it is voluntary, not forced upon our population:/ it should be offered as an elective

My Daughter: Some of the parents seem very supportive of it. I think it's a great opportunity for the kids to actually learn stuff like that. Many probably won't be able to travel outside of the US, so it's good that they learn about other cultures and how to appreciate them. The world worked together to make it what it is.

Aunt: that is what is sooo great about this country, immigrants assimilate into our language and culture and it all seems to work out in the long run  but it is important to protect our rights and freedom to make decisions concerning our lives and our children.You will understand that better when you are a parent (far far off for you :) You have been blessed with a really good education and the ability to learn languages but remember not everyone is as blessed.

Daughter:  I'm aware of that, so it's good that they're trying to teach a different language in this great country, right? If anything, it reinforces the meaning of freedom which is linked to education. Everyone in America has the right to education. ...Learning a new language is part of education.
If learning Arabic has some parents on the edge, I think that's kind of sad. Of course I know there's such a thing as prejudice and moreover, fear (because of 9/11 and everything). But not all Arabs are terrorists. Why aren't parents against kids learning Spanish? Mexicans have their own war going on, with the drug cartel and everything. They're terrorists to their own country.
I'm glad that they're trying to embrace something so foreign.

Aunt:  this has been a really interesting conversation, loved communicating with you.  it's been fun and maybe soon we can get together and talk in person. Tell your mom to call me so we can all get together. Maybe barbeque or cook something really good  my bed is calling to me so sleep tight

My daughter:  I'll definitely tell her. Hopefully we can get together soon, that would be GREAT. I need someone to speak German with. haha
Good night, Aunt (name here )

final whisper: she really makes me proud.


.::Tuttie::. said...


Pancake said...

MashaAllah!!! She's such a bright girl and lovely person! I'm blessed to get to know her a bit. Her wisdom and maturity is a reflection of the kind of a parent you are, mashaAllah!!!

Anonymous said...

As Salaam Alaikum,

MashaAllah for you daughter. You have been very blessed with such a wonderful, loving, well-spoken daughter, MashaAllah and Alhamdulilah. Tabarak Allah.

It is so easy for everyone to accept learning Spanish in school. In some schools Spanish was never an elective course. We were taught it regardless of whether or not we wanted to learn it. When I was in elementary school this was the case. My father was totally against it but MashaAllah I was happy to learn it because it came in useful later when I was older. Also, I love the way the language sounds when I hear is a very beautiful language (no wonder it is called one of the "romance languages").

The population, in general, have no clue the things the Arabs have contributed to society in regards to Math, Science, Culture. Pretty sad when the population in general regales the contributions of other peoples an cultures.

Anyway, people in the US are so NEGATIVELY affected by what they see in on the news (thank you FoxNews) and on TV programs regarding Arabs and Muslims.

InshaAllah the community in this school district will embrace/come into this with an open mind and it will be successful venture.


Anonymous said...

Mashallah, your daughter is awesome! In high school there was only Spanish and French to choose from. I would have liked to have had a wider range to choose from, like German or Japanese or something. It doesn't matter what the second language is officially or not, it's about education.'re probably not looking for comments on that, lol, but your daughter is right, it's about education. Educating people about a culture and language that is probably one of the oldest in the world. It won't hurt anyone to learn something. I think it's great that school is doing that.

Umm Aaminah said...

Masha'Allah sis! You must be proud of your daughter; she spoke in such a grown-up way. Masha'Allah wa tabarakallah. :-)

Esell said...

I would say your daughter is just like you mashaAllah. ya both are one of the best mother-daughter I have ever known mashaAllah.
may Allah bless yall family ameen.

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