Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sundays, manic Sundays...

There's something manic about Sundays...
Sunday mornings with my favorite people are the best. Breakfast tacos are always a good idea, I fast so, breakfast will be a brunch, we're eating healthy breakfast tacos. No Big Red this weekend; hot tea and water quenched thirst. The other day, I was asked, "Why didn't you bring all your stuff with you?" Well, for one, I didn't know I would be staying here in Texas. Is it really a big deal if I didn't bring my stuff? Will those things make me a better person? I'm most bothered by the question. Yes, I left all my stuff in United Arab Emirates and yes, I wish I had brought something with me. A lot of my mom's pictures and personal items. I also have stuff from my grandmothers. Still, that stuff is all material, and we won't take it with us. It is imprinted in my mind and heart that they gave me what they did, and I will always remember what they gave me. Can I ever forget her lovely face? It's impossible. Consequently, I'm making more memories with my kids. If only to see my son's grandparents and the rest of his family, it would be wonderful to return to UAE one day. Single life is very different from married life. As a result, I have to rely solely on myself, and my dad and auntie Millie have been an invaluable source of support. I don't usually talk about my private affairs. My dad makes me want to pour my heart out. Earlier this week, my sister told me, "Dad is very hurt that you had to endure this heartbreak." He called her up to see what he could do to lift me out of my funk. She told him, "It takes time, her heart will heal." She was right, I'm healing in ways I hadn't imagined possible. My faith in Allah is true and I have patience. Through this heartache, Allah helped me. My dad is happy to see me progressing. Each day he looks forward to hearing about my journey. Hopefully y'all are happy to hear that things are going well for me. A day at a time. Now for the biryani (rice with chicken) for tonight. Iftar is coming up. My sisters are fasting, so I'm cooking. Happy days are here to stay, with a few hardships thrown in. We wouldn't have anything to strive for if life were perfect. Final whisper: Ten years from now, I wonder where I will be? :)


Anonymous said...

Stopping by to say: EID MUBARAK to you dear sister and your loved ones <3 <3 <3

Ms. Mharya said...

Hi there! how are you? i am an avid follower of your blog for years now. you have nice blog. Eid Mubarak to you and to your loved ones..takecare

hugs n'kisses,

truth said...

Assalamu Alaeyikkum

Eeyd Mubarak sister.

may Allah help you.

Noor said...

Late Eid Mubarak sis. Ahh I am shocked your ex did not even bother sending your stuff like you said its just stuff but still some have memories.. <3

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

eid saeed .Lovely post.

Follow each other .

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged:

Tea Party


Texan after UAE said...

Wow, sisters I've been sooo busy and haven't really had time to come on my blog. Eid Mubarak to y'all and I hope all of y'all had a great time. :) kisses and hugs....

Texan after UAE said...

salam alykom Ms. M... Thanks, dear and I will go look at your blog... Thanks to all my followers... Ya'll don't know how much it means to me when y'all read my blog and it helps ya'll in anyway. :)

Unknown said...

I'm astonished to read about the word 'biryani' .. It's a word of urdu language =\ ..

P.S how you reverted to Islam ??

Anonymous said...

:-) Salam my lovely :-) i love your blg a couple of your posts brought tears to my eyes....

take care will be emailing u sooon big hug

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful written piece! The memories we have are a way of holding on to things we love, the things that make us who we are and the things that we never want to forget.
I enjoyed this... made for some very good reading!

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...