craving: a little of this and a little of that.
Salam alykom and Hello.
Good morning, everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. Make today special for yourself by doing something you enjoy.
"I am a Muslim woman who not only wants to save the world, I want to show the world what Islam is. The truth, not what the western media shows."
- Texan after UAE
It has been a great journey for me since I became Muslim several years ago. As a result, my mind has been opened up to other cultures and other ways of life, in addition to accepting myself for who I am. Being a Muslim is one of the greatest blessings God has given me. I've been asked by non-Muslims (family and friends) whether I'm returning to Christianity since I divorced. This is a little secret I want to share with you: I did not come to Islam because I married a Muslim. Before I married him, I was a Muslim. Instead of returning to a religion I never understood, I say, "I'd rather die than go back to a religion I never understood." Nothing could be further from the truth. As I see it, that's how I feel. In the following paragraphs, I'll share with you a few reasons why I chose Islam and why I became a Muslim. Religion is a personal choice, and everyone is entitled to it. In this big world, Islam works for me and 1.5 billion (more) other people. It is never my intention to judge anyone based on their religion. As well as my family, some of my best childhood friends practice Christianity. My love and respect for them is deep. I appreciate you accepting me as I am, regardless of what I choose. My heart is full of love for you all. Everyone should be free to choose their own path in life. We should respect and love each other no matter our beliefs. We can learn from each other and build a better world together.
We have a Verse in our holy book;
"To You, Your Religion, To Me Mine" - Quran (Verse- 109)
So, I tell people that when they try to debate with me about Islam. It's simple, you don't like what religion I choose? Just listen to what Allah (God) said in this above verse in our holy book. :)
Now, on to showing y'all just a couple of reasons I choose Islam.. I was astonished.
These scientific reasons cannot be denied, can they? God revealed these miraculous miracles in our Holy Quran 1,400 years ago. Scientists only discovered them in the last thirty years. It is because of these amazing facts that so many people have joined Islam.
In the resort town of Skagen you can watch an amazing natural phenomenon. This city is the northernmost point of Denmark, where the Baltic and North Seas meet. The two opposing tides in this place can not merge because they have different densities.
The above picture of the seas have a verse in our glorious Quran. It goes like this.
He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress.
(Quran, 55:19-20)
My choice of Islam is based on this reason alone. Here's one more. The rest will be up to you.
The Quran on Human Embryonic Development: |
In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man’s embryonic development: |
We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)...
1(Quran, 23:12-14)
The above link y'all will find easy explanations of our religion. Thanks for all the emails asking about Islam and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to tell y'all a little about my religion. Please pardon me. Y'all can always look up the nearest Mosque in your area.
final whisper: The state of ignorance is intolerable. Ignorance of Islam has no place in today's society.
Assalamu Aleykum sister,
Alhamdulillah we have been guided to the right path and are muslims!
Sadlmy, most of the non muslims don't know anything at all about Islam and get false informations on our beautiful Deen from the media.
May ALLAH SWT guide us all and keep us on the straight path always.Ameen!
Lot of love
thank you for sharing this amazing story such a nice post
Ma'shaAllah Ta'baraka Allah! I really liked this post, a lot <3
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