mood: nostalgic
craving: to hold my son, Mubarak again.
My beautiful daughter wrote this poem for her little brother, Mubarak. He passed away in 2004. Alhamdulilah (Thank God for everything) inshallah (God's willing) we will see each other in Jannah (Heaven).
For the brother I never got to see except for a single picture. Your tiny feet inked forever on a ray of yellow card.
At twenty weeks you entered this world without a single breath. On mom's 35th, the day the tsunami shook Sri Lanka to its core.
You shook our hearts, little brother.
We all felt the waves wash over our hearts.
She held you, brother
With a tenderness only a grieving mother could
and then she kissed your forehead as tears rolled down her cheeks.
The next day we buried you
Deep in the frozen ground.
Mom stayed home.
A look of solemn acceptance had taken over her face.
The sky cried frozen snowflakes,
Mourning the loss of you.
You would be 6 this year, brother.
I can almost imagine the front teeth missing from your mouth.
And perhaps the curly jungle you call hair.
I miss you...
Without knowing how or why...
Or maybe it's the thought of what could have been.
I love you, little brother
The way only a big sister could.
My beautiful daughter wrote this for the son we lost back in 2004.
Mubarak we love you. Mubarak means, blessings in Arabic.
Author: Amber (My daughter)
final whisper: “Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’oon (Truly, to Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return
final whisper: “Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’oon (Truly, to Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return
Such a beautiful poem, god bless her and may allah grant you and your family all the patience and reward you and your family the highest levels of heaven. Amen
Mashallaa, Your daughter made me tear up just reading her poem.
I can't say I know how you feel but my mom can relate, she lost a daughter in still birth and every year I hear her murmur about what age she would be. :(
I'm a mother myself and I can only imagine what it is like to lose a child.
I'm inspired with how much faith and acceptance you have.
God Bless <3
This is a heart-touching and lovely poem your daughter wrote. It brought tears to my eyes just imagining the pain and emptiness the loss of a baby can create in the hearts of the ones who stay behind.
May your faith and the love you share help you through time and may you'll be reunited in Paradise.
mash'allah what beautiful words from such a beautiful heart. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine.
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