mood: thankful
craving: having my best friends over
Salam Alikom and a big
I am not that girl that follows others paths. never have, never will
I am not that girl that ever said what people wanted to hear. I tell them the truth.
I am not that girl who ever experimented with drugs. Thank you God.
I am not that girl who hurts others just because.
I am that girl who has a couple of super AMAZING friends. Thank you girls.
I am that girl whose always trying to learn more about my beautiful religion, Islam.
I am that girl who leads her own path and tries to teach my kids to do the same
I am the girl who laughs uncontrollably and ( snorts while laughing)
I am different
I am myself
Take pride in who you are. Realize your worth.
final whisper: you never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.