Thursday, January 14, 2010

I miss you

mood: sad
craving: hugging my dad

My days and nights are filled with thoughts of you, I can almost smell your after shave when you come out of your room. I'll always remember your laugh and smile . Even if you are so far away from me, you will never be far from my heart, never. This entry is getting pretty sappy, isn't it?

I dream of you and wait to see you. All these years passing by like a whirlwind-so very fast. Do you remember bringing me home from the hospital and wondering what kind of woman I'll be? I'm sure, because you've talked to me about it. You always wanted me to be happy.

You never judged me for trying to find out who I was. I found out, took the right path and you accepted what I chose. Am I a fool to leave you back in TEXAS? Nah, you always taught us kids to do the right thing, and that's just what I'm doing. The right thing.

I've caught a (heart) and I'm keeping him. I love you. Until we see each other again, I'll always be praying for you. You're in my thoughts, prayers, dreams....

I just want to let you know: I miss you Dad......

final whisper: i miss you more than you can imagine


UmmRania said...

I am in tears girl! May Allah reunite the two of you!

Melissa said...

Kristie's dad, come to UAE !

I pray you will be reunited with your dad very soon! Now THAT will be a beautiful memory! I can imagine you seeing him and the big hugs and all. Wow ... will be a really special moment!
God willing soon !

Twizzle said...

inshallah this is the summer y'all get to go back to visit your family back home!! get ready, becuase these next 5 and a half months are gonna go by quickly!!!

Aiysha said...

aw that was beautiful

Anonymous said...

Assalam alaikum

I hope you'll go to visit your family in the US as soon as possible or maybe they could come to visit you here inshallah.

I wanted to write more on the topic but it's kind of sad and sensitive.

Inshallah you'll meet soon and it'll be very joyful time!

Umm Riyam said...

aww how sweet. in sha' Allah you'll see your dad soon!

Twitchee said...

Aww, I'm sad that you two won't see each other as soon as you hoped, but at least you will come the summer!! Alhamdulelah for that! May Allah subhana wa ta'ala make the time between now and when you two are reunited pass quickly!

Smiley said...

Beautiful Tia.

Unknown said...

I'm choked with tears...may Allah reunite you soon...parents really are so precious...and we only realise this when they are far from us...

UmmKhaled said...

I was in tears too...aww this is a beautiful poetry! I wish your dad would move to UAE! Or you get to see him so often! InshaAllah! Hope you reunite soon! This gripped my heart!

MaryAnn said...

Awwwww, this made me cry! InshaAllah you and your kiddos will get to see your Dad soooooon!

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

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