Friday, January 22, 2010

What a blessing...

she was more than a queen in my eyes
oh,  her laugh was contagious
when she walked in the room, her smile brightened it up
she always made people feel special
when she would talk, her words were always encouraging
when she joked , you couldn't stop laughing

her skin was soft to the touch
she knew how to carry herself
she was a real woman
she knew how to be that friend that people long for
that friend everybody wanted
her words of wisdom might have sounded too much to me back then
but now I carry her wisdom with me and use it.

She was all about giving and helping others even till her last breath
Her face will be imprinted in my memory till I die.

This woman, was my mother.
Written by: Texan in UAE

One Hadith cited - "Stay with (Your Mother), because Paradise is at her feet."

Another report is the following, which is narrated by Aisha Umm al-Muminin:

    I asked the Prophet who has the greatest right over a man, and he said, "His mother."

 reported by Abu Huraira:

    I asked, "Messenger of Allah (GOD), to whom should I be dutiful?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then whom?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then whom?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then whom?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then to whom should I be dutiful?" He replied, "Your father,and then the next closest relative and then the next."

From this, we can see the special position that mothers have, which has been indicated by the Quran (see above). The word translated as dutifulness is in Arabic birr, a word that is also translated as "piety", that is, dutifulness to Allah . Here again, parents (and in particular mothers) are due the same kind of honor in our feelings that we give to Allah SWT, because of what they reflect of His qualities.

“And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship. And she brings him forth with hardship…” (al-Ahqaaf 46:15)


Pancake said...

May Allah reunite you all in Jannah ul Firdaus!


OmAbdullah said...

mashaAllah Your mom sounds like she was a very loving special woman. And I see you do keep her wisdom with you ;) I hear you mention it so much! She really must have been a wise lady.

This particular side of Islam is just beautiful. No other words. just BEAUTIFUL. Just think of all you do as a mother, subhanaAllah. Everything we put up with and deal with, which is all worth it of course. But it makes complete sense to be respected for this.

Alhamdulillah :)

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

Mashallah sis, such beautiful words for your beautiful mother!!

May you always shine like this in your childrens' eyes!

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

ohh sorry I was talking and walked away to feed my cat and then came back and sent the message not realizing I wasn't finished!!

May Allah always keep your mother's memory in your heart and have mercy on her soul.

You have reflected your mother in yourself in so many ways and indeed you are a beautiful sister with a huge heart Mashallah.

May you always shine like this in the eyes of your children and to those around you!


Texan after UAE said...

Jazkay Allah Khair dear sisters... <3

Umm Riyam said...

assalaamu alaikum,

beautiful poem about your mom, ma sha' Allah.

It's a nice reminder for us to remember our moms and be kind and obedient to them, and to be grateful to be a mom. alhamdulillah

Umm Riyam said...

assalaamu alaikum,

beautiful poem about your mom, ma sha' Allah.

It's a nice reminder for us to remember our moms and be kind and obedient to them, and to be grateful to be a mom. alhamdulillah

Amina said...

Knowing you, I can see that your mother was one very special woman with a big heart. This was very touching to read.

The hadiths were also very important for me to read.

Unknown said...

Wow mothers really are so precious...Whenever you talk about your mother you always remind me of mine...the selflessness, the dignity, the love and affection, the softness of their voice, the warmth of their hug and the wise words spoken. Beautiful. May Allah bless all children with mothers like that.

Anonymous said...

wallah your words made me cry :( I can feel you dear.May Allah forgive her sins and acceot her and inshallah you will teach your lil daughter ywhat your mother has taught you :)

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...