mood: disgusted
craving: to punch elton in the face
As Salam Alikom (Peace be with you) my dear sisters and hola to all my non-Muslim readers.
I was horrified to hear that this idiot, Elton John, called Jesus gay. I say everyone needs to boy-cot his music (if you listen to it.) This is what happens when people don't follow the word of God. They just live this life with no guidance. They're completely lost.
I'll tell y'all what. These so-called musicians and actors have society hung by their toes. Where are all the angry people? I just heard about this and I'm totally sickened by it. These lower than life degenerates, think just because they are famous, they can talk about anything they want and not be accounted.
That's very sad, because society has the other cheek turned when it comes to insulting religions and religious figures. We are so desensitized to this stuff, no one does a thing. Is that okay? No, it's not okay. It's a disgrace to the human race. Why do they call us Muslims extreme: because we don't tolerate crap like this when anyone talks badly about Prophet Mohammed or Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon them) or any other prophet.
A lot of people would be in uproar if someone talked about denying certain rights to a specific group of people, but when anyone says something very bad about God or a prophet, you don't hear anyone talking.
Let us come together and let them hear what we have to say.
final whisper: Behold! the angels said, "Oh Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter, and in (the company of) those nearest to God. He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. He shall be (in the company) of the righteous... And God will teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel." (Quran 3:45-48)
I'm wondering where are all the outraged Christians!
Christians are often surprised when I tell them I also try to live by some of the lessons and principles about being a good person that the prophet Jesus pbuh taught.
The prophet Isa pbuh was a prophet just like the prophet Muhammad pbuh & I'm not going to tolerate anyone talking crap about any of Islam's prophets.
Wow, I really can't believe this! I totally agree with Hispanic Muslimah about where are all the outraged Christians too. Thank you so much for posting, I didn't hear much about this before.
I didn't hear anything about this?
It would be great if it actually made the news when he got into a fight with madonna.....I guess we see whats news worth these days.
If I hear tiger woods name one more time Im going to vomit.
Thats horrible of him to say such a thing & I don't like him anyways because he 's seems like such a pompus snob & like everything he does is Golden...pfft....whateva!
as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
wow.. AstagferAllah!!
I agree, where are the outraged Christians?
omg! i didn't hear about this! Totally agree with what you said, everything!
Absolutely sick!
Elton has a sick mind, but he still accountable though. Once he dies he will know but it will be too late.
God is going to give him what he deserves! How dare he say Jesus is gay! That's disgusting... just because he's gay himself, doesn't mean he tries to make a Prophet like him. How dare he!
you know what I think! I totally agree with the others. I will not accept anyone saying bad about our prophets. I love Jesus and I honestly hope there's more outrage from MUSLIMS. We should not accept this just like we wouldn't accept anyone defaming Prophet Mohammed. They are both Prophets of God. Jazaki Allah, Texan in UAE for bringing it up. InshaAllah, we can get the word more out and let people understand that we are personally offended, as well!
What I found strange when I read the article on BBC is that he's talking about Christanity being all forgiving and all that and at the same time, he's practically defaming the "christian God", so to speak. Isn't Jesus Divine in Christian beliefs? I mean, who is he to speak about Christanity???
Oo, your picture just came out. I love it. Yes, we are outraged!
OMG!! Disgusting! I agree with all the others. There should be a great outcry from us Muslims. Jesus is one of the Greatest Prophets of God and we love all the Prophets and messengers. When someone we love and respect is defamed, how should our reaction be? No way can we just leave it!
Thanks for bringing it up, love the picture. Yes, we ARE outraged!
i agree with you i am disgust....i liked his music....until some years ago...but like all stars forget where from they left and they arrive to have no answer the other part why aren't we outraged is bc the biggest part of us uses God's name daily near some other bad words,so is usually....
"These lower than life degenerates, think just because they are famous, they can talk about anything they want and not be accounted."
That's totally true! They feel that the world is their playground, and all rules are invisible when it comes to them. Such imbeciles!
Im follow back.tut tut tut..
Amina, you made some great points. I do know, that Christians read my blog. What are y'all's views? Curious.
I guess by now they are so used to it that they don't care? That's the response I got when I asked a while back... Meanwhile, Elton John's fashion sense is as bad as his music -- may Allah guide him.
On another note -- i luv what u did with the Blog, Sis!! Really it looks soooo fantabulous!! Like the Blogger herself, mashaa'Allah <3
This is the first I have heard of this and it is outrageous. This is clearly something that should upset Christian, Jews and Muslims.
WOW what is wrong with people? Just bc I chose something in my lifestyle this has nothing to do with GOD or his prophets astagfurAllah.
Astagfur'Allah that's very upsetting!! :O
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