Sunday, February 28, 2010

fond memories

mood: drowsy
craving: warm caldo (Mexican soup)

The call that I got on a warm November morning was a call that was going to change my life forever. Abu A (hubby) called me from UAE and asked me where I would want to be for about four years. Could be less or could be more. Ended up being more. He named some countries: Spain, Australia  and a couple others. When he said, Germany I immediately said, I wanna go there.  He chuckled and said, okay, Germany it is. No questions about it. My daughter and I were on our way to Germany to meet up with my husband.  He went back to UAE to get stuff ready.  So many things I had to do and so little time. Time was going so fast and I felt as if i was in a dream. Saying good-bye to my dear friends and family wasn't so easy. I cried all the way to the terminal. One of the sisters screamed my name from the drop off with all the other sisters, and told me how much she loved me. I was sobbing like a baby. The woman who takes the tickets, assured me that everything will be fine and if I don't stop crying, she would have to join in the waterworks with me.

The flight was good, no harsh turbulence. Thank God.  I wrote in my journal as my daughter slept next to me and just dreamed how our life was gonna change. We finally made it to Frankfurt, where my hubby was going pick us up. It was already foreign just walking through the air port. He got us a beautiful suite at Inter Continental, with a gorgeous view.  I was so tired from the flight. After we ate, I layed down and feel to sleep to my husband talking to me.

The streets in Germany were so clean and very familiar, as my father was in the Air Force and we were stationed in Germany when I was small. Yep, that's why I wanted to go there. I wanted to see the places where I used to live. I wanted to reminisce about when I was little and take pictures of the same places I was when I was little. All the nice times we had with my family, in the same place years later with my husband and my daughter.

We lived in 3 houses in Germany. The first one wasn't so great. I'm sure anyone who would of seen it, would think it was awesome, but the neighborhood wasn't so hot. The second home was the most amazing home we lived in . It was amazing. I have pictures for y'all to see. When we walked in, I was in love. So nice, roomy and so beautiful. Our bedroom, kitchen area, dinning room area and balcony all faced our backyard: which happened to be a river! It was so nice, we'd have a constant view of the water rushing by our home. It was bordered by a small patch of forest, a walk-way and a watermill. A lot of the times we'd see people in kayaks rush by on the current. 
The snow fall was amazing. Many times I caught myself on snowy cold nights, looking for several minutes at the snow falling so hard...

Alas, Germany will always be a part of my life, even if at times the people made it hard for us, because we're Muslims. I pray that Allah (God) makes it easy for our Muslim, Brothers and Sisters who live in these European- Western countries.

final whisper: I left you in Germany and in Jannah (heaven ) you are. I'll never forget you and will always have you in my heart. Our son, Mubarak.


Miss Dreamer said...

Hey Texan,

Sounds like you spent a great time there. I love the pictures, especially that of snow. Snow never ceases to make me dream of love.. of romance. How silly does that sound? ;P

See you sweetie

Anonymous said...

Assalam alaikum

First sentences immediately made me smile- so much warmth in your words!

The pictures are very nice! The house by the river- fantastic!

Recently for no special reason my Dh decided he wants to learn some foreign language and he picked up German. I hope he'll succeed.

Your final whisper is very... touching.

May God bless your family Umm A.

Noor said...

Thanks for sharing it is such a nice place, I loved going there for a few moments with you. I am sorry about your son I never knew sis :( May Allah bless him in Jannah forever Ameen and you be reunited one day Ameen.

Texan Teen said...

we have wonderful memories of Germany, I loved it there!!!

annfrendly said...

nice pictures..
interesting and beautiful place.
i wonder if i can kayaking there.. so nice..

it's was sad to leave your family, friends and your beloved country..
that was your biggest sacrifice.
I am very impress with your spirit.
wondering if it happen to me, i think i couldn't be strong as you..

Melissa said...

Sounds like a beautiful place. I've only been in the airports there, Frankfurt and gosh I forget the other one! But flying over, it looks beautiful!

Wafa said...

lovely post about Germany , i love the pictures :) .
Your final whisper was so touching and Inshallah you will join with your son in heaven :)

miss_dior said...

i lived also 10 years in Germany...Since i was 5 until 15 and i still miss Germany like crazy....then i went in Romania for 4 years was a tragedy adapt now i live in Italy a beautiful country but i still miss the german character i guess is bc is also part of my blood bc my mother has german roots....and now i dream to move away from here when i finish my studies...
And i think that Germany is less racist then Italy...but again is the European diffrent caracther and mentality who lived cross Europe can understand me...Even for me Italy is hard although i am not a muslim....But this helps me to open my mind towards other cultures..Like the oriental one...
I am sorry for your son.....:( Hugs!

S. H. said...

you made me remember when I leave mexico and my family......and I love the snow, it sounds like you spend nice time there but sorry for the bad time to all muslims your pics and the window view with the river woww!

OmAbdullah said...

Your views there were amazing! mashaAllah I'm sure you have many beautiful memories there.
Your final whisper almost made me burst into tears. Very touching. You know i love u tons!
May Allah reunite you in Jannah. Ameen!

EF said...

Loooks a lot like Riga, capital of Latvia. It had a lot of Swedish and German impact. Thanks for sharing your feelings with us :)

zahra said...

Your blog is truly something special. These pictures really make me miss my sister who has been living in germany for about 7 years now in Hoff. her photos are just like this, inshallah i get to visit sometime for real. The snow looks so amazing. And thank you for sharing your final whisper, may allah reunite you in jannah.

Eva said...

MashaAllah lovely blog! These are beautiful photos :) JazakAllahu Khairun for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments!

MaryAnn said...

MashaAllah, this was very beautiful and touching ♥ May you be reunited with you son in Jennah. Ameen. xoxo

Texan after UAE said...

@ Miss Dreamer, sweetie we had such a nice time. But, at the same time, I couldn't wait to come to my hubby's homeland. :)) lots of patience.

@ Alice, habibti, insha'a'Allah your husband learns fast. It's a complicated language. But, I find that if you speak a second language, it's a lot easier. masha'a'Allah.

@ noor, thanks for the nice words.. It means a lot.. (((HUGS))))

@ Ann honey, you would if you had to. It's hard, but it gets better. Thanks for your warm words.. (((HUGS)))

@ Melissa, yep! it's gorgeous!

@ wafa, hayaty! thanks honey! ameen to your dua.. They mean a lot.. (((hugs)))

@ miss dior.. Yes, Germany is more open minded than Italia, for sure. One of my best friends Twizzle just came back from Italia, she told me that the Italians are more racisit. She went to Germany months ago too, that's how she compares.

@ Thanks, that's me... (((hugs)))

@ Om A, i love you too! ameen to your duas... (((HUGS)))

@ Clever Foxy , I think a lot of these European places look a lot a like.. :))) (((hugs)))

@ Zahra, Jazkay Allah Khair dear, it means a lot to me.. Ameen to your duas.. Insha'a'Allah you will get to meet up with your dear sister someday. I'm sure she's fluent in German? masha'a'Allah. (((hugs))) Thanks for the complements on my blog...

@ Eva, thanks for coming and visiting. (((hugs)))

@ MaMa MishMish, ameen to your beautiful dua. Jazkay Allah Khair sister, for reading... Love you! (((hugs)))

[[[ x Smiley x ]]] said...

This is written so beautifully.
I love the pictures, esp the last on.It all looks so magical :)

Dr. N said...

You made me go there with you. The pictures are so beautiful and the description you provided was VERY rich. Inshallah you'll be with your son and all your loved ones in Jannah, Ameen. Love reading for you :)

Dr. N said...
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Shahirah Elaiza said...

I'm with Smiley on this one =) And yes that last pic is beautiful! Something about snow which is just so magical!

Texan after UAE said...

@ smiley, Thanks you sis! means a lot... <3 (((hugs)))

@ Dr. N, welcome welcome welcome! to my blog. I'm so happy you liked it. :)) Ameen to your duas. please come back again. Love all the comments. :)))

Shahirah, habibti <3 I love snow!!! just love it!!! it is, magical..

I hope everyone has a GREAT night! God bless and insha'a'Allah until y'all read my next little entry. <3

Amina said...

awwww, like the other sisters said, I felt like I was right there with you. I absolutely loved the pictures!

May Allah reunite you with your son in jannatul firdaus <3

Esell said...
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Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

ohhhh I didn't see your post until now!! man, I am following too many blogs!! LOL

Mashallah you know I loooooooooooooved the views you had at your 2nd place!!! sooooooooooo beautiful Mashallah!

Although I love snow, I still only miss it when its hot out here. I still remember that accident that totaled my car (being hit by 4 cars on a slippery spot on the road) in the blizzard that one day and I still remember that driving in snow/icy conditions was hell.

But you know, If I got to work from home, and my husband didn't work too far away to keep my worried away, I'd love to move to a snowy place!!

I cried reading your final whisper.. may you get to be re-united in Jannah, Ameen!

Miss Dior, yes, my experience was that I didn't feel much negativity at all for being a Muslim in Germany--we were in Munich, I don't know if it would be different in, say, Berlin.

But in Italy, I definitely felt a lot of negativity toward me. If there were any other Muslim women there you couldn't tell because I only saw a few women with hijab and they looked like they were tourists too.

Esell said...

Assalamu allikum my most amazing Sweety Meety,

Your final whisper had a more deeper and stronger impact on me and i forgot what you wrote above that subhanaAllah.I have cried for Mubarak many times but subhanAllah today I can't stop crying.I wish I could express myself as beautiful and you do then I would have told you how precious Mubarak is for me too. Never seen him, never met him, never felt him yet I feel he is a big part of my life along with YOU.I know how much you miss him and how much you cry for him but I hope and pray that you are at peace inshaAllah and why wont you when you know that inshaAllah you will meet him in Junnah.
As for your life in germany, you really tok us there with you and it was just amazing mashaAllah. I just loved all the pictures especially the snow one as I saw both the happy and depressing side in that picture.
mashaAllah for your wonderful husband who asked you where you wanna live and alhamdulilah you were able to live/see those place with your husband and daughter where once you were with your beloved parents.
May Allah bless you and your family ameen.

Love you with all my Heart *hugs*

P.S. I hope i would stop crying now, really wanted to call you when read this but its very late for you.

Sorry By mistake I deleted my first reply. Didn't know how it works. Now posting again

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

Mashallah sis how beautiful,its nice that you had a great time in germany, im learning german as a foreign language and its lovely, id love to visit there one day, my sisters visited and they hasd a great time
im really sorry about your baby boy, w inshalla youll all be re-united in jannatul firdaus, and everything else will be worth it when you are near your lord
salaam 3leikum

Anonymous said...

mashaAllah that sounds so wonderful. <3. makes me want to visit one day inshaAllah!

Anonymous said...

I love the Pics in this quote!
God, do I want to travel.

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...