Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I want shopping to be my need, not a want.

mood: laid back
craving: horse back riding

Do you ever find yourself just jumping in your car and by the time you know it, you're shopping your little heart away. Yeah, I find myself doing the same exact thing. Living here in the Middle East, it's just what this sedentary life pushes us ladies to do. Do I like it? Yep, ONLY sometimes when I meet one of my partners in crime there at the shops (you know who you are.)

But, it gets boring. Especially when we have everything we need; note I said, "need" not want. I have a lot of stuff I just want.  Days later I usually end up regretting it. It was a very fast decision and I didn't think about it. Then I end up with a fish tank built in my wall (which I love) and wouldn't trade for the world. Then I have two more big fish tanks: one that I had to have because it was round and another fish tank in my room so I can look at the fish at night and relax. Ugh, what did I get myself into?
Big mistake. I wanna give it away. That's what happens when you WANT stuff. The weekly up keep is horrid. It takes my Friday evenings away from spending quality time with my little family. Yes, hubby helps and my daughter helps, but I would rather be sitting with them instead of cleaning fish tanks. Don't even ask me about my perfumes or my make-up.

Example of my fast decisions: I wanted a Tiffany's key. We went to Dubai and looked at all the Tiffany's stores and every store we looked at, they were all out of stock. I got to thinking,"Hey, that means there's a lot of those hanging from other womens necks. After I thought of that, I didn't want it anymore. Even if it's super duper nice. I simply didn't want it. It made me start to think, I would rather have This or this. It would mean a whole heck of a lot more to me, than a Tiffany's key...

For the past couple of days, I've been wanting to go to Ikea. I want stuff like they sell at hobby lobby in the states, and they don't have stuff like that here. Unless I go to True Value, but their prices are ridiculous. So, that leaves me to go to Ikea when I really don't want to. I don't think I'm a shopaholic, I just think I make my buying decisions too darn fast. I'm trying to control that.

I think I'll just enjoy my window shopping for a while. In between all the looking around, I'll have to rest, and that can be done with one of my best friends and a nice white hot chocolate at our favorite place. 

final whisper: Does that white hot chocolate sound like a plan?


Melissa said...

I used to be really bad about making too fast decisions when it came to shopping. It was very hard to break that habit but once I did it felt sooo good!
I'd love a white hot chocolate, but I live too far away!

Texan after UAE said...

Melissa, wish you lived closer. <3

Sara said...

Haha, great post! Yes, I think I have that shopping addiction/problem as well. White hot chocolate sounds delicious right now, especially since it is so cold out! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

ohhhhh Hobby Lobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looooooooooooove that place!!! I used to go there alllllll the time!!

mmmmm now this is the first time hearing you complain about your fish tanks!! but you know what? its just once a week you have to clean, right? the rest of the week you get the peaceful, tranquil surroundings those fish give you, Mashallah.

I totally know what you mean about shopping on impulse!!

Sometimes if I see something I want I do tell myself I will go home and wait a few days--and if I am still thinking about it and wanting it, then I will buy it.

Inshallah you can try to make a rule like that for yourself. Especially when it comes to the more expensive purchases. But even the small stuff, because it can all add up.

Alhamdulillah for people who are blessed with a comfortable amount, and those with a lot of, halal money. As long as they give in charity and they do not become arrogant for what they have, people shouldn't have to feel guilty for the things they can afford--unless that is, they become completely reckless and wasteful with their spending.

Texan after UAE said...

Sara, nice to see you. I love your blog, hope you continue to visit mine. <3

Twizzle, tomorrow we're gonna move the round fishy tank to the mens sitting room. yay! more room in the womans sitting area. Right on, everything you said, sista!!! When you come over next time around (come tomorrow) LOL we needa grab a white chocolate with (M) . lol

I've actually been really good lately.

Fati said...

haha! shopping can turn into that easily...i go through phases for sure but it's easy to forget yourself!

NeverEver said...

ahhhh theres no hobby lobby in the middle east?!?!?

I thought I could live there... but now I'm not so sure...


Thanks for dropping by my blog, inshaAllah I will see more of you around!

NtN said...

Come shopping with me. Everything gets thought over carefully and then usually foregone, lol. The trick is "will I want this in a week? How about a month? How about a year? Is there something I want more?"

(The above statements do not apply to white hot chocolates, which sound delicious!)


Anonymous said...

salam alaykum... what a great post!! love it!! i know what you mean, i just found your blog.. i have got lots to catch up on lol...

i will visit again..promise!! :-)

ps i now follower your blog..

Texan after UAE said...

Fatimah - welcome to my blog. Your telling me it's easy to forget yourself. LOL

Texan after UAE said...

Neverever - Nope, no hobby lobby here. Someone needs to bring it here. They have everything else. LOL Welcome to my blog and yes, insha'a'Allah, see you around.

Texan after UAE said...

Noor, I do that and it usually works. But, sometimes it's so hard to hold back.. Yikes! Welcome to my blog! and see you around!

Texan after UAE said...

sara, join me on msu for a nice white hot chocolate. LOL

Texan after UAE said...

wa alikom salam miny (cute name) Have fun reading my blog and I'll be visiting yours. <3

Miss P said...

Awh Shopping <3


Shahirah Elaiza said...

Mhm, it does get boring when we already have everything we need. What is it with us women (and some men) wanting to have a variety of shoes, bags, clothes, etc.?!

What I do is... if I see something I like which is real expensive, I'll go home and think about it. If I still want it the next few days after that I'll go get it.

OmAbdullah said...

i heart shopping hehe ....

but of course in a very organzied, strict money manner


Texan after UAE said...

Om A - MmM hmm.... :|

UmmRania said...

MashaAllah may Allah bless your money!

Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...

LOL remember when i saw u and DD at La Senza??? i was like "there is only one person i know who wears a niqaab & has a Texan accent"... :-D

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...