Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's the little things that count in life

mood: content
craving: a big fat white hot chocolate at caribou..


- write that note saying I love you, to your special someone
- pray,pray and pray
- hug your kids
- make that phone call to a loved one
- hug, hug, hug - you can never hug to much
- smile, it won't kill you
- say, thank you, please and excuse me
- tell that someone you really do appreciate them
- don't be so prideful, tell that person, your sorry
- take your best friend out to lunch
- pick one day a week, to sit with your loved ones and laugh,joke and talk. heck, do it everyday.
- pick a flower for your husband/wife
- read a good book
- be there for that someone who's going through a bad time in their life.
- clean the house for your mom
- call your dad up at work and tell him you love him
- hug your mom, more
- tell that special someone, they mean a lot to you and they've helped you in so many ways
- learn to ask people for help, if you need it, you'd be surprised.
- don't say no, when someone asks you to go out with them. Maybe that someone is needing comfort and just can't tell you
- tell someone they look nice

The Prophet also said: "Every act of goodness is charity." - Sahih Muslim, Hadith 496

"They ask you (O Muhammad) what they should spend in charity. Say: 'Whatever you spend with a good heart, give it to parents, relatives, orphans, the helpless, and travelers in need. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it.'" - The Holy Quran, 2:215

final whisper:  Saimah, I haven't forgotten about you.


Unknown said...

I thought you had... ;-(

Unknown said...

But you have'nt because you just called...and chatting to you again for hours was just like it used to be! I love you, and even though we have our hectic lives I know who my friends are and that we will always be there for one another! I thank Allah for these wonderful friendships.

Julie Harward said...

Thanks so much for the visits and kindness...have a good day :D

Amatullaah said...

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatuallahi wa Baarakatuh,

Maa Shaa Allah, Jazakillahu Khair for this post, such a good reminder!!! Baarakallahu Feeki

Anonymous said...

awwww mashaAllah I like this list <3

Texan after UAE said...

Saimah, I love you and had such a great time talking to you. I wanna see you before you have the baby. Insha'a'Allah!

Texan after UAE said...

Julie, thanks for visiting. God bless!

Texan after UAE said...

Precious Muslimah - wa alikom salam! no problem sis! masha'a'Allah.

Texan after UAE said...

Happy you like it, Zaiynab! masha'a'Allah. Thanks for visiting! come back!

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