Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random me

Mood: lazy
Craving: taking a drive to YAS

Write seven random things about yourself.
Tag seven people at the end of your post and link to them.

1. Well they say the first sentence of everything is the hardest. Let's skip it to the second & see if I recall something at the end, shall we ?

2. I'm a very very sympathetic, loving, caring. I love the lifestyle of the bedouins (Arabs who live in the desert), I love the simple life they have. I'm soooo fascinated that I'm living in the Middle East. The world here takes me back in time. It seems like I've lived this life before. It's all to familiar & nostalgic to me.

3. I love watching old movies. My mom and I used to sit and watch the oldies with large Caesar's pizza and junk food. We would call it a GREAT evening at Marge's house.

4. I have the most familiar face on earth LOL.  I never met a person who didn't tell me,"You remind me of another person I know!!!". Does this happen to everyone?

5. When I was a little kid, I would always tell my parents I wanna move far away from everyone. Wow! That sure did come true. I'm a million miles away from everyone I love. I wouldn't change a thing. I still love y'all, but I'm happy.  I'm blessed with my family here and my circle of friends whom I love dearly. Thanks for making me feel at home away from my loved ones.

6. I love singing throughout the day. My poor family..

7. I can honestly say that my husband and I go hand in hand. We're so silly and often times we feel like teens around the house. I don't think we could ever grow up. Life is to short to always be serious. Live, Love, Laugh and the most important thing is - Pray.

Now, I would love to know 7 random facts about Y'all..

Om A
Um Talal
Miss MishMish
Um Riyam 

Final whisper: Dedicated to Um Khaled ; may you have a safe journey. see you soonish.


OmAbdullah said...

Lol @ u and ur dh ! Sounds like us ;) I wonder how my kids will feel about this when they r older LOL
Loved reading your randomness.

Anonymous said...

people think my face looks familiar too! I get the "I've seen you around before..." a lot, even when I just moved here haha. or I get "do you have a sister?" I wish I had one lol.

Umm Riyam said...

Assalaamu alaikum,

It's so nice to learn more about you!

Fadiosis said...

heheheheheee, nice seven you have.. i love singing as well, even though i don't have that nice voice to tell u the truth :p...
and about holding hands and never growing up, i couldn't agree more :D

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