Monday, February 15, 2010


mood: chatty
craving: Ikea

Yesterday I was craving a white hot chocolate at Caribou; that didn't happen. But today I made me a hot chocolate and it was so yummy (Thanks, Um Talal) . These days it's hard to go out without hearing my son throw fits for not wanting to ride in his stroller. Ugh. This really puts a damper on my mood and wanting to continue shopping (but, do I stop the shopping? LOL). I wish he'd get over this stage, and fast. My days have been pretty quite, other than having a screaming two  yr old in the house.

I was invited to another wedding, yesterday, but opt not to go. It was outta town and I just didn't feel like getting all dressed up and sitting there listening to loud Arabic music. Not that I dislike the weddings, because I really enjoy going with my mother in law and sister in laws. But two weddings in a row is pushing it with me. Maybe next month. Summer will make up for all the times I didn't go in winter. Weddings galore.

I got a really nice old fashioned clock yesterday. I just to have my husband hang it for me. We'll see how long it lays around. In the States I did a lot  alone. We didn't have cement walls like here in the middle east, it was easy hanging stuff on our walls. Here you have to drill and it's not fun. I'll be uploading a pic as soon as it's on our wall. I can't wait.

I feel like going to a good movie. The last movie we went to see was Batman and my son was only 5 months old. It's hard going with a little one. That reminds me of the movie theaters in Germany: they were so smokey from the cigarette smoke, it was hard being in there. They even sold beer and wine. LOL I never seen anything like that.  The movie theaters here are really nice. They have the VIP side and the seats are soooooooooooo comfortable. The tickets are very expensive, but well worth it. Maybe sometime soon.

Well, it's 7pm now. I best get off the net and do something productive. Not that blogging isn't productive, because honestly it's a kinda therapy for me. We just might go out for a nice ride, which I love.

final whisper: let's go out for the white hot chocolate @ caribou. You know who you are. LOL


OmAbdullah said...

I can't wait to see your clock up! Its beautiful mashaAllah ! It will look gorgeous in your beautiful home :D

You know im not a movie person but that vip section sounds neat!! I had no idea there was any such thing.

caribou sounds YUuuuuumie hehe

MaryAnn said...

I always read about coffee at Caribou but the pic looks delicious. I don't know if they even have one in Sharjah.

I have wanted to go to the movies here but then I always read about how noisy it is with all of the mobiles going off and loud talking.


Texan after UAE said...

LOL Om A, we'll see when it gets hung up. :| It's still sitting on my buffet table.

Texan after UAE said...

Miss Mish - They do have a caribou there. Remember the last time I saw you? We were leaving right outside of where your store is, it was right there. OMG - I so can't explain. But, we got lucky! and guess what I got? LOL We have to make it a point, next time I visit or you visit me, we have to get one! insha'a'Allah (God's willing)

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Blogging is therapeutic for me too... like whenever I feel down, I just blog. I hate writing about something negative so it makes me focus on the positive things that are going on around me =)

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...