Wednesday, February 24, 2010

They're only Arabs, they won't bite

mood: dreamy
craving: dancing in the rain

As Salam Alikom (Peace be with you) my dear sisters and hola to all my non-Muslim readers. 

I think some people have grown up with a lot of doubts about other races.  I'm not saying your racist, but you just wonder. You never feel comfortable with something you don't know about.  I was the majority in Texas, being Mexican/American. I really never got a chance to be around other races. But, I felt it when we moved to Germany. Boy did I ever. I didn't get looked at like my husband did. Even if I covered it wasn't the same stare he got. It was awful. Being Muslim and ARAB. Nothing was on his side.

I remember when I was little, I grew up in a small town with a Air Force base (dad retired there) we lived on the border of Mexico and the base had pilots from all around the world, come and train. They mostly came from Saudi Arabia and Iran. Talking about scared. I was so terrified of them, I would run to my parents and hide when they would bend down to talk to me. I was little and just wondered who they were. They were different. That said, it's kinda strange, cause Hispanics (not all) are darker skinned people. So, it must of been the accents? Or....... hearing stories about the Arabs and middle eastern people. LOL ugh huh. ... that was it. I was little, but you would be shocked to know how smart tiny ones are. They absorb everything they here and keep it with them for life. I kept it with me until I started getting educated.

I had a stero type of the Arabs from then on. The media wasn't on their side and the government, forget about it. I forgot about them all the years I was growing up, until I started getting interested in Islam. I met some of the most amazing Arabs at the Mosque (Masjid) They were kind like no other race I've ever met. Going over their homes and hanging out with some of the most wonderful Arab women. My view changed quickly. Then reverting to Islam and after a while marrying my husband, which he is Arab. My heart was his.

We moved to Germany and I have to tell y'all. I was in love all over again. I meet Arab women who I will never forget. Arabs are the most hospitable people on earth. Their manners are off the charts. They will never tell you no. They are there for you always. When I had my baby, I got visits from so many women. My in laws and people brought big trays and boxes of chocolate - flowers and gifts. Our house was so filled, we didn't have room. LOL I was amazed at the manners. Even though I knew, from my in laws and husband. This was just a different situation. I can't wait to emulate their manners when going back to visit Texas. 

My husband has the most amazing friends. Since we don't mix , I hear stories from my husband, about his friends. I felt like I knew them.  I mean to tell ya. Never in my life have I seen a bond like this.

Bottom line. Arabs are people and have feelings. Get to know them. Like in every culture, we have good and bad. I honestly believe there is more good than bad. I'm an optimist, shoot me. LOL

" [Muslim], "An Arab is no better than a non-Arab. In return, a non-Arab is no better than an Arab. A red raced man was not better than a black one except in piety. Mankind are all Adam's children and Adam was created out of clay." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of Abu Musa] Meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African, European or Asian origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other. 

final whisper: you stole my heart... you Arab...


Anonymous said...

Assalam alaikum

I've never been scared of Arabs, nor disliked them.

There were a lot of books in my house with fairy tales from all over the world. I grew up reading these stories about different people, their cultures, traditions. My father used to read to us children these fairy tales, myths, stories and parables. I grew up with curiosity and fascination for different cultures - Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East...

It was a most natural thing for me to marry a foreigner and to move to a far away country.

UmmRania said...

Very beautiful post-MashaAllah!

You could add a link to "Planet of the Arabs" (youtube it)....then you can really see WHY people are so afraid....subhanAllah...maybe I will post it on my blog HMMMMM

Anonymous said...

Mashallah. A Muslim Texan. Mashallah. I might live to see peace in Jerusalem!

Nice blog! Very informative content!

Anonymous said...

I like!!
I grew up an army brat but, the place we lived the longest was in Wisconsin...aside from the NativeAmerican me & my ma were the only "brown people"

I loved when we finally moved to the Chicago area when I was in 8th grade because this town is sooooo diverse.
I love it for my daughter especially.
On my street theres blacks, mexicans, asians, pakastani, palestinian & white!

I must say I don't know 2 many Arabs but, now I want to!

Anonymous said...

I like!!
I grew up an army brat but, the place we lived the longest was in Wisconsin...aside from the NativeAmerican me & my ma were the only "brown people"

I loved when we finally moved to the Chicago area when I was in 8th grade because this town is sooooo diverse.
I love it for my daughter especially.
On my street theres blacks, mexicans, asians, pakastani, palestinian & white!

I must say I don't know 2 many Arabs but, now I want to!

miss_dior said...

I always liked them...i dont know why..maybe bc they are full of mistery...and i love the fairytale of Sheherezada...
Or maybe because one saved me when i was little and he had the sprit to react when others stopped...i dont know why really....Like you said there are good and bad everywhere..I just wish that people would not judge what they dont know....(i really like your blog!!) Hugs

Tiananda said...

Assalamu alaykum...
Thank youuu for your sweet comments on my blog ^^

Yeah sometimes people make stereotypes to kinds of ethnic, religion, or even skin color.. That's not fair...

Nice post you wrote :)

Bliss said...

Your post made me smile :)
If only 'the whole world' would think that way too..

MaryAnn said...

I remember growing up with the same stereotypes. It started during the Iran hostage situation and from then on anybody I saw that looked Arab, I immediately didn't like them....SubhanAllah I married one, LOL.

The media is to blame for the misinformation of course.

I agree with you totally about the Arab hospitality, MashaAllah, they make you feel like family or the most important person in the world when you are their guest. ♥

hispanic muslimah said...

I used to hear so many stereotypes about Pakistanis. When I told some some sisters that I was interested in marrying a Pakistani they would warn me saying that Pakistani men treat their women badly...that they are backwards etc.
I chose not to listen because I didn't want to evaluate my fiance based on what other people say.
I'm glad I kept an open mind.
My fiance is Pakistani and is the best gentleman I've ever had the honor of meeting.

annfrendly said...

nice experiences..
people always got wrong impression about Islam..
they always think Islam is terrorist.

Why this happen?
because media always 'highlight' Islam people as Terrorist..
it's so sad and disappointed..

How lucky you are being Muslim and married with Arabian..
Surely,they all nice to you because you are nice to them too :)

American Muslima Writer said...

Assalamu ALikum fellow sister.

Masha'Allah just found your blog through Clever Foxy Tricks (isn't that a cool blog or what!!!) and was like awesome she's in UAE!!!

I live here in Al-AIn. I hope some time we can meet up that would be cool :)

I'm origionally from Arizona by the way and living near the border pretty much grew up with constant mexican influence, masha'Allah. I hope someday i can share that beautiful culture with my kids too. Alright enough chit chat I got your entire blog to read.... :D Salams, Brandy Aminah-Zahira

American Muslima Writer said...

Assalamu ALikum fellow sister.

Masha'Allah just found your blog through Clever Foxy Tricks (isn't that a cool blog or what!!!) and was like awesome she's in UAE!!!

I live here in Al-AIn. I hope some time we can meet up that would be cool :)

I'm origionally from Arizona by the way and living near the border pretty much grew up with constant mexican influence, masha'Allah. I hope someday i can share that beautiful culture with my kids too. Alright enough chit chat I got your entire blog to read.... :D Salams, Brandy Aminah-Zahira

Erika said...

You have a lovely blog...and so interesting -- a Texan in the Middle East :) I'm from Texas myself..

Love this post!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, for your sweet comments, and for following! I'm following you too :D


Mujahada said...


Nice post masha'Allah! Subhan'Allah, so many people do know so little about the Arab culture. They hear these stories (many untrue) and judge the entire culture when people who do know it for it's real self find it to be the most hospitable and loving culture masha'Allah.

aynzan said...

Very interesting..It's so heartfelt.
Cheers from Saudi Arabia.

rencontrer Pauline said...

Hahaha you're such a sweet and funny at the same time and I actually loved your bright and optimistic side, you see rare people to have that side and thank god you do ^_^ you stole my heart you Arab LoL that's a cute part :D

Nevin said...

great post.
aboslutely love it.
you're so right!
i wish people could see that of arabs.

Texan after UAE said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh only happens here in UAE. I made comments to each and everyone of y'all and walked away and come back, the net disconnect. I pushed "publish your comment" It was gone! Ahhhhhhh errrrrrrrrrr ... anyways, I just wanna thank everyone of y'all. Brandy, we will def have to meet! fun! :))) You've meet Aalia? Chasing Jannah? Subhana'Allah! we have met so many wonderful sisters from around the world. :)))) The net, brings people together.
Another-Penelope - :) Thanks sis. *blushing*

Again, to my new followers. Thanks!!! Your comments always bring a big smile to my face. Until the next entry. God bless and take care... Off to my day.

EF said...

When you travel a lot, learn different languages and meet people of different nationalities your mind opens. You become more wise, more open, more flexible. This was one of major things that affected me and I am very happy about it. Clever Foxy Tricks is more of a commercial thing for me so I don't disclose personal information there, but here at your blog I feel at home :-). I am from mixed family myself, my dad was Russian and my mom was Latvian (north east of Europe, another shore from Sweden), so it started all there. I lived in Russia (Petersburg), then in capital of Latvia (where I worked in travel business), then moved to Paris to my Lebanese husband. Then I moved to Beirut. I speak Russian, Enlish, Arabic (Lebanese and Classical).I always had friends of different nationalities. I spent 3 years in Islamic university where we had people from around the world. Our teacher called us UNIFL (United Nations in Lebanon). In offline world I work for Ferrari which involves me to speak to Ferrari owners from all around Middle East and Africa. Every day I feel that some wisdom and flexibility rubbed off on me and it is one of my greatest assets. And now I know you, guys. Al-Hamdulillah!

Rania of StyleWhimsical said...

Great post!
You are so lucky, you could traveled to other countries and meet people from all over the world :)

Texan after UAE said...

Masha'a'Allah! clever fox!!!! masha'a'Allah!

Jazkay Allah khair, Um R... (((hugs))) I'm blessed to have traveled so many places in the world. Alhamdulilah (thank you God)

Rania of StyleWhimsical said...

It's just like some quote that I read recently:
"The world is like a book. The person who never travel, only see one page" ;)

Texan after UAE said...

A very true and nice quote. :)))

Esell said...

asalamu alikum,

MashaAllah a beautiful post and I want to add that not only People in West but me being living in Pakistan hear mostly the opposite side of what you wrote. So sad but ture.You are one of the first one from whom I heard good things about Arabs. Even though I never knew anyone before I met yall from Arab world but alhamdulilah I never had any negative opinions about them.
But its nice to read again and again about them.
I hope it will at least help your readers to see the bright and positive side inshaAllah.
LOve you sweety, keep on sharing because I love to read about YOU and all that around you *wub*

Rachel said...

I think a lot of Americans are afraid of Arabs because basically everything we hear about them through our media (news, movies, etc) is negative. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't bother to try to get to know any personally to learn that they're not bad (or at least, most aren't)...really, it upsets me just as much as it upsets me when people from other countries say that all Americans are fat/lazy/stupid.

I was raised as an Air Force brat (and then became an Air Force wife), so thankfully I had the opportunity to move around to different parts of the country and experience many different cultures and make friends from all backgrounds. I have a couple Muslim friends from when I lived near Minneapolis (lots of Muslim people around there) and they're really no different than anybody else I know other than some of their traditions.

I feel that you miss out on a lot of experiences and people when you're intolerant.

Texan after UAE said...

Well, I hope someday you meet some arabs will will show you, that they are just as nice as anyone else. I truly believe there are more good people in the world, than bad. You do miss out on a lot of experiences when you're intolerant. :)))

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...