Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A grandfathers love

mood: sad
craving: to look into my fathers eyes and tell him how much I love him

Salam Alikom (Peace be with you)  to all my Muslim readers and Hello to all my non-muslim readers....I pray everyone had a nice relaxing day. 

My husband and son just came home from my in laws. He handed me an envelope, and what was inside this envelope, brought me to tears.

My DAD wrote this for my daughter, his granddaughter. <3

My Granddaughter, 

Just a short note to tell you how much I love you, and of course how much I miss you. It's been so long since we last saw each other, at times it seems as if you will never come to see me, and of course I know you will. I long to see you, I always look at your pictures and remember so much about you. 

Your Uncle is a handful, but lately he's been a whole lot better. AS you know in about a month he will be 15. 

When I was a young father, my mom once told me, "A love for a grandchild is unequal," and now at my age, I realize how right she was. I love you with all my heart and miss you so very much. 

Take care

I think of you always.....

I Love you,

Final whisper: No matter how long we've been away from each other, you will always be in my heart. Nothing can take that away from me. May God bless you. 


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!

Amina said...

MashaAllah, how sweeeeeet. InshaAllah, soon, you'll see him!!

Wafa said...

inshalla the two of you will meet soon. it's beautiful how old people still prefer to write letters instead of using emails .
that's would make the letter even worth keeping.
May Allah keep him safe and join the two of you soon :)

Sara said...

Awww that is SO sweet! InshaAllah you'll get to see him soon! :)

Susanne said...

So sweet! <3

Dream It Up Cookies said...

Awww this is so beautiful mashallah, your grandfather is so cute. Inshallah you will see each other soon.

Anonymous said...

aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is so sweeeeeeet mashaAllah <3

Esell said...

MashaAllah that was so beautifulllllllll. The day isn't very far when you would be sharing with us your visit to meet your family inshaAllah. May Allah let you and your family meet very soon in this world ameen.
Lots of Love

..★.. said...

its so nice and sweet .
and also thank you Texan sharing this special love from your dad with us specially me because i love this ..

thank you very much( شكراً جزيلاً)..

OmAbdullah said...

oh :( that was soo touching! I pray you will all go very very soon inshaAllah!

You always make me cry with these things :(

love you both dearly!!

Umm Afraz said...

Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmathullahi wa Barakaathuhu.

Awwww...Masha Allah! May Allah give him hidaya and guide him to The Straight Path of Islam. Aameen Allahumma Aameen Thumma Allahumma Aameen!

xoxoxoxxoxoxox to you and your LOs.


Anonymous said...

aaawww God bless his soul :)

Amalia said...

That's so so sweet and special. :)

SweetNovember said...

Salam sis
long time
nice one like always
be safe

Texan Teen said...

I cried when I was reading it.
I miss him so much. and I love him, with all my heart and soul.

Noor said...

Asalam Alaykum, I know what your going through and its so hard. InshAllah you will see your father soon he sounds like such a great man mashAllah..

Miss Dreamer said...

Sweetie I pray for Allah to bring the two of you together very soon and that you would have lovely and amazing moments together.


Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

sorry for the late reply... pure laziness to be on blogs lately LOL

your father misses y'all sooo sooooo much!!

inshallah y'all go see him soooooooooooooooon :D

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