Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our years in Germany

mood:  over the moon
craving: playing in snow

Salam Alikom (Peace be with you)  to all my Muslim readers and Hello to all my non-muslim readers.... I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, ours was fabulous. It's still the weekend in the west, so cherish today, relax. Then back to work for y'all tomorrow.  Happy days. :)))

We had a blast this day. I woke up to  a white Germany, and right away we ate breakfast, got dressed and went alll over our city and to the lake near by. It snowed sooo much and the ground was covered. We went to the lake and walked and walked and walked and had a snowball fight. Snow is amazing and I actually miss the snow.  I'm sure the German people were looking at us like "it's only snow." lol It's okay, I'm sure they think we are from the desert and never seen snow in our lives. If they only knew.  

We walked though a forest and were the only ones to walk through this trail that goes deep down into the forest. I'm sooo happy I wore my boots and thank God I did, my feet were so cold by the end of our journey, if I hadn't of worn boots, my feet would of been soaked.  All the bottom of my clothes were soaked when we finished. But it was okay, because it was sooo worth it. I'll never forget our good times in Germany. I really miss the snow.

Isn't that branch beautiful? I love the way snow makes everything look. It sparkles.

Here's the lake...Soooo nice!!!

I love the way this little truck looked covered in snow... 

The tea was great after being out in the cold playing and running. :) I hope yall enjoyed the pictures.. Yet, another beautiful memory in Germany.

What a lovely ending to a wonderful day... The memories.

Final whisper: My time spent with you though our years together have been amazing. I pray that we spend many more years together, making beautiful memories.  Alhamdulilah (Thank you God) 



aneebaba said...

Wa alaikum as salaam dear Sister Texan! Lovely pictures! I have to say, I am not a fan of snow at the moment - living just next door to Germany, we get plenty - though before this year, our 'worst' snowfall had been back in 2005-2006 when I first arrived in Prague.
Anyways, I took some pictures of this year's snowfall back in January, so if you want, check them out here:

We do get more snow now back in Portland (= home), which can be nice, but at times, and more recently, we werent able to leave the house, as it all froze over and that was about 6 inches worth, so not fun.

Anyways, later alligator ;-)

Mood: happy to know his sis his over the moon, but stressed out by pathology and pathophysiology
craving: love of family and other loved ones = I need hugs! heehee :-) Don't worry, I've got my Best Friend here 24/7 - Praise be to Him!

OmAbdullah said...

You always make me want to go to Germany when I see your pictures and hear your words ! mashaAllah so beauuuutiful! I wish we could go and have a snowball fight hahah !

OmAbdullah said...

You always make me want to go to Germany when I see your pictures and hear your words ! mashaAllah so beauuuutiful! I wish we could go and have a snowball fight hahah !

Mona Zenhom said...

Beautiful pictures! I miss snow!

Mimisha said...

as salamu alaikum
The pics r really lovly
And they make me miss these days so much, when theres snow everywhere in germany and u can just take a walk in the forest :)

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

yOu Make me smile every single time i come to your blog, i should visit all the time :), how are u habibtii? Inshallah Kheyr
your pictures were beautiful i love snow, in London it doesnt snow all the time but when it does sometimes it sticks around for like 2 weeks or a week and i love it so much
this year it snowed for about 3 weeks around christmas time i love snow if i stay in the middle east for ever ill miss snow
take care

Anonymous said...

such an amazing pictures !

Bliss said...

I miss it so much! I've shared so many beautiful memories with all my family :)

Which city did you go to?

Erika said...

You know it's been snowing in Texas a lot more these years? By a lot more, I mean about once a year for the past few years. That is pretty unusual...well, at least here in Houston.

Actually, this year it snowed in December and then again in February (I think that's right..) Everybody here was shocked as to how long our winter was lasting and how much snow we got.

And yes, everybody thinks Texans are crazy for obsessing over snow, haha!


Anonymous said...

yaaaaaaay it's soo white, unlike here it can be soo orange :P

I'm planning to go to Germany this summer enshallah! let's hope it will all go smoothly :D

rencontrer Pauline said...

wow that sounds pretty awesome pretty:D LoL Snow tell me about it :( wish we have one :Pp give my best regards to germaaans :D

Miss Dreamer said...

I am dying to go through such a wonderful experience! I have never ever experienced the feeling of snow! I wonder when that will happen? Ahem.. LOL

Sounds like so much fun!!
I am sure those years are still unforgettable to you all.

Have a good day sweetheart


Texan after UAE said...

MuslimFirst, We used to live in Tillamook, Oregon, but we'd go to Portland to visit friends. All I remember is that it rained in Oregon sooo much! That's why it's so beautiful and green.
UAE blocked Flickr here, so we can't see those pictures unless you upload it to Photobucket or something. InshaAllah you get through pathology and pathophysiology. It's always good to have a good friend. May Allah bless you with sincere friends. ameen!

MonaZ- Thanks and me too!

Mimisha- I really miss walking through the forest in Germany. It was always so peaceful there. Thanks!

Hijabis On Ranting Tour- Sister, come all you want! I'm fine by the way. How are you?
I love when the snow sticks around. It's one of those things I sort of miss most about Germany.

Zabo0o6a- thanks loads <3

Bliss- We lived in Paderborn. (:

Erika- I wish I was in Texas when it snowed. The last time I saw it snow (like a HUGE snowfall) was in '85.

crazyyetwise- what part of Germany will you be going to? Let me know, and I'll give you the lowdown if I've been there!

Another-Penelope- Sorry, I can't give any regards to Germans since I live in UAE. LOL but inshaAllah if we go there in the near future, I'll remember to give them your regards. haha

Texan after UAE said...

MIss Dreamer, Insha'a'Allah you will be able to see snow soonish. <3

UmmKhaled said...

Salam Aleikum my little friendy!
Ohhhhh you brought back the smells of the winter even with this post! I love the is gorgeous and I grew up with it. We would spend HOURS a day outside!!

Love Kasey

7ormat Khalid said...

allah yi7afithkom sweetie i love the last note to your husband..

Anonymous said...

What a nice blog...I just visit

Dr. N said...

I LOVE snow and miss it so so much. Can't wait to be back to the states and see snow again.
I looked into every face I walked into in Dubai thinking...this might be
Thanks for sharing your pix.

Twizzle said...

oooooh I loooove the picture MashaAllah!!

its not quite the hell-ish weather here yet when I REALLY start missing snow--but it is very beautiful MashaAllah :)

just not when you have to drive in icy conditions!! that is absolutely miserable LOL

I totally do not miss having to have to drive to and from work on slippery roads.

Getting to stay home, or go out and just watch or play in the snow is fun though!! :D

Sweet Escape said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the snow but we hardly get it here in Texas. Theres only 1 downside to it and it's no one here knows how to drive in it lol.

Erika said...

Oh yes, I've heard about THAT snowfall. Though, I wasn't born yet :P

But, the snows we've been getting are pretty big...big enough to cover everything in white, get everyone excited (and worried about driving like My Getaway ^^ mentioned), out to play, and build a snowman here and there ;)

Nieya Asni said...

Your photography skills are excellent! How I wish we had real snow in Singapore. Not an artificial one. :)

annfrendly said...

my country doesn't have 4 seasons..
very wonderful there in Germany.

P/S: so sorry about the translator. i didn't dissapointed if you didn't came to my page because you can't understand what am i writting about, but insyallah i will always open your blog and Twizzle blog..
Both of you are so nice to me :)
thank u..

my sister suffer cancer, stage 2..
yesterday she's being operated by the doctor.. Alhamdulillah.. she's safe now.. waiting next treatment..

Texan after UAE said...

Kasey, (((hugs)))

70rmat Khalid, Jazkay Allah KHair my dear sister... come back and visit.

Sonnet, Welcome please come back. :) :) :)

Dr. N... LOL your sooo cute! I wish we could of met. Someday! I am sure you'll be coming back! Insh'aa'Allah.

Twizzle, I do miss playing in the snow! it was a treat in TEXAS. LOL

My Getaway, Yes, the downside is the awful driving. LOL Everyone goes into panic mode. :|

Erika, LOOOOOOOL you make me feel old. I was very young, too. :D :D :D

Norsiah, Aww thanks! I didn't have any skills back then. I like to think I have a tiny bit more now. But, none the less, I am trying!

Ann, My heart just broke! She will be in our prayers... You're so sweet. (((hugs))) Big hugs to your sister, too. Be assure that she will have a lot of sisters praying for her. Sisters, from all over the world. Right on my Islamic sisters forum. Love to you and her! may Allah give her patience and heal her ameen

Esell said...

mashaAllah what a beautiful description of your beautiful memories in Germany.May Allah bless you with only happiness ameen.
Love to read about you!

SweetNovember said...

ewww that s nice reminds me of my visit to Stuttgart and m cousin who just left Dubai to Germany :)
it s a really nice place specially when its snow :D

Texan after UAE said...

Esell, ameen! love you!!!! and hope you find time to start writing in your blog. (((Hugs)))

Sweet_November, I used to live in Stuttgart! many years before me and my hubby and kids did. I was small. My dad was in the Air Force! I loved it!

Yasmine Mohamed said...

Do you know that I have never seen real snow in my entire life? I feel like a reptile!! LOOL!!

Behind closed doors in the Middle East.

Howdy, ya'll. My first post after returning to the states ages ago was funny to me. If you have any thoughts, let me know. It was certai...