Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Out of the blue

mood: good

craving: seeing my in laws

Salam alikom to all my muslim family and hola to my non muslims out there. I pray all is well with everyone. have a wonderful day, inshallah i will. <3

son: mom, I miss Jeddo (his Arab grandfather)

me: Awww; do you? Well, he misses you, too.

son: ya, I do... and I miss Yumma, too. (arab grandmother)

me: Inshallah son you will see them someday again.

out of the blue he said these words that touched my heart.

final whisper: our memories of yall will never die. Missing yall.


Dr. N said...

Salam Texan
I am soooooo happy that you are back. I was so worried about you. Hope you and your family are well, inshallah.
It look like you are not in UAE anymore!! where are you?? Hope yo hear from you soon :)

ZORRO said...

How sweet!!! Children are so precious MashaAllah, and whatever they say you know it comes from the heart...!! :D

UmmRania said...

MashaAllah may Allah bless, guide and protect him he is absolutely beautiful mashaAllah. My kids are going to be meeting there Jeddah and Jeddi on Mon for the first time, they are coming here!

Anonymous said...

Salaam alaikum sis! It's so nice to read a post from u! Hope you are well and good inshallah!

Thats really an awesome characteristic about children. They just surprise you like that out of the blue. But mashallah they are so clever! :)

Little Auntie said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, *heart melt*. I am sure his yuma and jeddo would love to hear that (know that he said that).


Anonymous said...

Aw, how sweet of him. Inshallah he'll see them again sometime.

Nice to see you posting again :)

sheeshany said...

kids are innocent and sweet! :)

Missing is a hard emotion indeed :(


suusuu9_9 said...

MashaAllah he is cute.
Inshallah he'll see them again sometime.


Dino$ said...

lovely bloggg glad i came across it

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