Mood: Missing my friends back in TEXAS
Craving: Candy Rings & Mac and Cheese
Salam Alikom (Peace be with you) to all my Muslim readers and Hola to all my non-Muslim readers. It's the end of our weekend here in United Arab Emirates, we just relaxed and lounged around. :) I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend. Those of y'all in the west, make the most of it until Sunday.
Do you remember when y'all were little getting lollipops? We call them suckers in Texas, and they're so good. When I was about eight, my friends and I would run to the little neighborhood store (minute mart) and buy a bunch of suckers and candy rings.
With the candy rings, we would always pretend that we were rich and these were our diamonds. Thinking back now, it makes me laugh. Now we're all grown up and have our real diamond rings. Having candy rings wouldn't be half bad though. Candy rings bring fantasy in your life, remembering the times when you were young, with no one to worry about.

The days of our childhood were the best. Doing cartwheels in our backyard, making tents with my best friends Margie and Jessica and Sabrina, cheering and running through the water on hot summer days -oh, we even had our candy rings in the water. Do you remember our endless times making Mac and Cheese? I remember we always used to play with my guiena pig, billy. Making Mac and Cheese with bologna sandwiches. I miss those days.
Having all my girlfriends over, my dad getting a GIANT tent for the backyard, so we can alll YELL and scream without bothering my parents. I thought they were giving me some freedom back then, but it was only to mask our screams and annoying little giggles at night. We probably had tons of candy rings and suckers, so we can act the roll of having REAL diamonds.
Anyways, I feel like a candy ring & a bit of Mac & Cheese. I think I'll ask my dad to send a couple of candy rings when he puts our big package together. He's always sending tons of little things that make me smile. I forgot that I have tons of grape Kool-Aid in the kitchen. My sis loves to send tons of stuff too. We do have Kool-Aid here in UAE, but it's something that they like to send. :) I won't complain. =)
I had such a wonderful childhood. I love reminiscing, especially when watching my daughter and her friends joke and laugh. Tell me some things about your childhood days. I'll never forget mine.
Final whisper: Dedicated to Sabrina and Jessica and Margie =)
I really need help!, you should teach me how to express my self hehehe, I love kool aid specially the strawberry one and those candy rings are delicious and the brilliant colours, I'm not big fan of mac and cheese but kool-aid rules, so sad in this part of the world we can't find it, and tolking about drinks my favorite also was the minute maid, frozen orange juice wow delicious. I think I'm feelling thirsty now.
have a nice day.
Salaam sis. Love your post! We call them suckers, too but here in Mass. they only say lollipops and look at me strangely when I the other term. :-)
One of my favorite memories is playing Native American girl in my yard and the woods surrouding our home. I would pick grasses, "prepare" food, tan hides, and even made a teepee from my bed sheets. Ah good times, good times!
Riding my bike on a hot summer day, the wind blowing through my hair. Ahhh sweet freedom!
I hope insha'allah I can share the great parts of my childhood with my daughter so she will have the same sense of adventure and wonder I did as a child.
Ma salaama...
My sisters and I use to go the same thing we would play like we were princesses with huge diamond rings and sometimes like we had super powers with the rings lol. My cousin used to color his hair green, purple, red almost any color with kool-aid and his mom would always make him go wash it out lol. We had a lot of fun as kids. Thanks for the reminder :)
mac and cheese.. actually i don't know how you guys make it.. i make many mac dishes and use cheese, but maybe i've never made it the "american?" way.. i love mac and i love cheesee so i'm sure mac and cheese would go down :P
I love your posts about your childhood. I can almost smell the sticky sweetness of those rings, and the cheesiness of the mac and cheese!
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