Wednesday, May 19, 2010

my heart

mood: day.gif
craving: seeing my dad

Salam Alikom (Peace be with you)  to all my Muslim readers and Hello to all my non-Muslim readers. I know I haven't been so active, but I've been very busy with life. I hope and pray that everyone is doing GREAT. Have a happy day. Weekend for us. Yippie! means more time with my family. Have a gorgeous weekend everyone.

final whisper: I miss you, dad.


Hamid said...

wonderful,colourfel and beautiful blog.

Mustika Sari said...

Assalamualaykum Sis!
Ah I miss my late daddy..
anyway, I love the words from Winnie the Pooh. It is so true...

hispanic muslimah said...

Thanks for the good wishes! Have a "fantaculous" (the words of my niece) wknd!

Texan Teen said...

I miss grandpa =(

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