Monday, May 3, 2010

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. :)

mood: Happy happy happy
craving: mango ice tea from Caribou with my best friends. It's delish. *drool*

Salam Alikom (Peace be with you)  to all my Muslim readers and Hello to all my non-Muslim readers. 
First of all, I just want to thank Om Abdullah for having all us girls over yesterday, we had such a great time (like always.) You always know how to brighten someone's day.. :) My house next time. :)

Yesterday's dessert.. Thanks Aisha, it was delicious. 
Picture taken by holly: 

Second of all, I am really happy I almost have 200 followers. It makes me happy that there are people out there who find my blog a little bit interesting and from time to time come and read what I have to say. :D Please comment and let me hear your thoughts, opinions and anything else you have on your mind. Let me get to know you, like you have gotten to know me. oxox's

Now, let's talk about being happy. 

Have you ever asked yourself what real happiness is? I'm sure you have..  My mom always told me, "To find real happiness is within oneself." If you always only do everything for the sake of our Lord, then nothing can affect you, unless you let it. It would really change things in your life for the better. Anyone who chooses to be happy, can be happy. You don't have to have money to be happy; it doesn't matter, as long as you focus and know, no matter what, you can control how you feel. 

Some things that make me happy are:

A house to call home

spending a lot of time with my family.

Living next door to my in laws. 

talking to my dad 

those one million calls back and forth with my best friends

Girlie get together s. <3 <3 <3 *the BEST*

seeing my son and daughter interact with each other <3 *what a great feeling* 

hugs & kisses from my kids

My husband thanking me for being "me". 

A message from one of my MSU sisters.. Just because. 

seeing people happy. 

being Muslim

Sweet messages on my bbm.

A cuddly puppy. 

worshipping Allah (God) 

The list can go on and on and on. Y'all get the picture? 

When I am down and out I remember this list and I can't help but smile. Who can be sad when one is so truly blessed. Being blessed doesn't mean you have a million dollars in your pocket or a fancy schmancy car or  you can get anything you want. 

Being blessed is having, Allah (God) in your life and all that He has blessed you with. Having a great family/friends who love you for who you are. Having food on the table. That's what's being blessed is. If you're struggling with any of the above things, just know: God will not let you down. If you don't have the perfect family, know there is no such thing as a perfect family. We all have our struggles and faults and we have to overcome those struggles. How do we overcome them? The only way would be ask Allah (God) for help. That would be the ONLY way. No other way. Ask and you shall receive. He is the oft merciful. The compassionate. He is the one that I am living for. Let's all count our blessings. Be grateful. This is a reminder to myself and then to the rest of my sisters and brothers, out there in this big universe. 

I want all my readers to know, the reason for me making this blog, is to put a smile on your face. When I do that, I'm happy. When I see my husband read my entries and he's smiling all the way through, that makes my heart happy. I feel like :)))))))))))) 

Know that anything you are going though, it will pass. Another door will open. Be sure of that. 

Tell me, what are somethings that make you happy? I wanna know, I care. :))))))

Final whisper:  take time to love yourself. BE HAPPY.


Anonymous said...

Im happy, i know it and im clapping my hands at work right now :)

hispanic muslimah said...

sunshine,chocolate chip cookies, smelling fresh & clean laundry, animals, green grass, light falling through tree leaves, foreign supermarkets, and of course all my loved ones!!

Wafa said...

happiness come from within, i agree completly with your mother.
it's a long long way but enjoyable.

Amina said...

Asalamu aliakum,
drats. Today oldie goldie wrote about what I wanted to write about and now you've also written about the other topic I wanted to write about. I'm not gonna even bother to write my version of it, lol.

But seriously, great post. Life is not hollywood. It's not meant to be. Like you said, there is no perfect family. You just gotta turn to Allah. <3

Jazaki Allah for a great post. I really enjoyed it :D

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

May Allah Keep you Happy and Safe, Today, Tommorrow and All the days to come My darling :)

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

Muslim Sisters, my sisters, my family, the The sound of the quran being recited, islam , Allah, The rain sun, books, Holidays, tea, the sea, the stars, pictures from when i was a kid, talking to my grandparents and my parents, days out with my family, nights in with my family,my friends, my deen, Baths, my Fiance, starbucks, Makkah, perfumes, my country, people smiling
blogging. (In no particular Order, those are the things that make me Happy)

MoOn said...

What makes me happy?emm..
*when i feel my iman (faith) is strong
*when I feel loved (lol)
*when i travel with my hubby alone :p
*when I go out with my girlfriends and i laugh like i've never before :)
*when i c my beloved parents and relatives after a while
*when my kids tell me ahebik mama,mama habibi..
*when i hand in my assignments
*when i make it and wake up for my qiyam
*when i read a really good book..
I wont finish so i should stop..can i get the reciepe plz :D

MoOn said...

What makes me happy?emm..
*when i feel my iman (faith) is strong
*when I feel loved (lol)
*when i travel with my hubby alone :p
*when I go out with my girlfriends and i laugh like i've never before :)
*when i c my beloved parents and relatives after a while
*when my kids tell me ahebik mama,mama habibi..
*when i hand in my assignments
*when i make it and wake up for my qiyam
*when i read a really good book..
I wont finish so i should stop..can i get the reciepe plz :D

oldie goldie said...

mashaAllah,great post! i had something similar in mind in my last nights post. saw it? about happiness. to see what you have instead of thinking what you don't have. simple.

Sweet Escape said...

Yum that dessert looks so good! I wish we had a caribou coffee here. Lovely post sis. What makes me happy is worshiping Allah (swt), pleasing my parents, spending time with friends and family, baking, and a clean house lol.

Twizzle said...

as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,

great post MashaAllah!

another way to make us happy is to appreciate what we have instead of complaining about wanting more.

LyddieGal said...

It's so important to think about all the wonderful, positive things we have in our lives everyday -- thanks for the reminder!

Things that make me happy:
The chime of a new email in my inbox

My dog's excitement when I ask her if she wants to go for a walk

Chocolate cake

Hope you are having a lovely day!
Chic on the Cheap

Esell said...

mashaAllah another beautiful and thoughtful post by you.
and I agree with you , I wish people could learn to live happily even in pain and once you achieve that then there is ONLY happiness.Please yall don't tell me that its impossible because I am doing this from a very long time subhanaAllah.If i can do that so can you.
Alhamdulilah for everything I have and alhadulilah I am very happy but my best happiness is when my loved ones are happy.
love you texan!

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Sweet post =)

What is happiness? For me, it's peace of mind. Giving my Mum big bear hugs =D And looking at someone I love from across the room... it's a simple thing but it's just one of things I can't explain.

Btw sis, I tried to msg you on MSU. Doesn't work? Do I have to write a bio? Cos well I'll only have time for that in June during my winter break...unfortunately.

OmAbdullah said...

yay! mashaAllah I had a blast with you girls :) I love it when you all come over

Beautiful post!!

Unknown said...

So nice post, specially the part of 'God will not let you down' .. I likes ..

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