mood: tired
craving: to hear my mothers voice again
Salam Alikom (Peace be with you) to all my Muslim readers and Hello to all my non-Muslim readers. I pray that y'all had a great Jummah. Had a nice day with family and I hope to start blogging more, but I am so busy with other stuff it's hard. Have a wonderful weekend. I love the weekend, it lets me spend time with my family. Tootles.
Last night my daughter turned to me and said, "Mom, you look a lot like Nana". I said, "Well she's my mom." She said,"The strange thing is, my Aunties and you are, like, all mixed up in Nana." LOL Cute. I laughed. About twenty minutes later she told me to read the poem she wrote. I said, "Oh no, am I going to cry?" She laughed and said, to read it. Well, the water works started with me. This little girl is so gifted. Now it's ya'll's turn to read it.
Something for my Nana.
Maybe it was the picture of you that did it.
Or maybe it was the memory...
Yes, I don't remember much.
Not a touch of compassion,
not a gentle kiss,
not your arms wrapping around my small body and gently chuckling.
How could someone love me so much and then just leave?
I suppose it was the Will of God. And everyday I wonder:
What would it be like if you were here?
Would I hear your voice ringing throughout the house?
Would I smell your perfume on my clothes after you hugged me goodbye?
There are so many questions I have to ask and I know they can't be answered.
So I'll imagine.
I'll imagine us walking through an endless field of bluebonnets under that wide, azure sky while we imagine the clouds transforming into strange shapes. Hand in hand, we'll walk. And when we're tired, we'll sit on the cracked earth.
You'll pick a flower and say, 'See this flower? God made it. He made it different from the others; each petal, each leaf.'
I'll stare at your hands stroking the smooth petals.
'Someday this flower will die', you'll say. 'But that doesn't mean it won't leave something behind that it loves very much. That's why it left part of itself in this world to grow. Just like you.'
'You'll grow into a different flower, but there will be a part of the original flower inside of you. You won't lose that connection. That single flower that you grew from will stay with you forever.'
I'll imagine you standing up and smiling. It ends there.
And somehow I feel better. I feel better, because I know I have something inside of me that you left behind... your love.
©Texan Teen
May 20, 2010
final whisper: you will never be forgotten.
mashallaaah beautiful :)
Wow, that's is so beautiful and touching! Sorry Sis, but maybe I missed it, but how old is your gem of a daughter?
Thanks so much for sharing!
Br. MF
how sweet!
MashaAllah, how old is your daughter? She definitely has a way with words!
Salamu Aliakum
MashaAllah Amber its beautiful!
Mashallah. Outstanding !!! :) Mashallah.
mashallah sis, that means alot to me, because i live in the USA but my grandma lives in egypt. my family came here when i was 6 months old so i dont have much memories w/ her as a kid. as i got older we started visting but only for a month or two every 2-4 years, and still i feel much love for her, tho i havent spent much time w/ her.
this actually goes for my moms mom and my dads mom. my moms mom passed away, and my dads mom is pretty sick, please make dua for her.
P.S. sis u got tagged
MashaAllah tabarak Allah. Your bint has a creative mind. Plz do encourage her to write down her poems and thoughts..u never know where it could lead. Ive been penning down poetry since i was 15 wa alhamdulillah ive published poetry worldwide in books.
May Allah ease any pain your daughter feels not knowing her grandmother and reunite your daughter with her grandmother in the highest levels of akhira under the shade of fruit trees and along side cool rivers.Ameen
Have a grt day.
Hiyyach Allah.
Just as the comment above said :)
I realized comment modertaion is on and I don't know what comment might end up above my comment so for the record I'm talking about what said lol.
you know how i feel about this! its absolutely beautiful!! no other words ....
mashaAllah a million times !!!
that was nice ma shaa' allah.
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