Monday, May 14, 2012

Remember God and He will remember YOU.

mood: hopeful 
craving: hajj and ummrah

"Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest" (Quran Surah 13 :The Thunder, 28th verse) 

Trials are sent to better us. 

There were scientific facts mentioned in the Quran that modern science has only recently (1-100 years ago) found to be true.

 because you know it's the truth. Don't let media feed you lies. Look for yourself.

 because I was very unhappy and sad before Islam came along into my life.

Women!  and you'll find dignity and modesty. You aren't merchandise!

 because I was a Christian Catholic and was very unhappy when told I shouldn't ask any question but believe blindly.

 and see the blessings that it will bring in your life.

 because we are the most practicing religion in the world.

Looking for tranquillity? Then why wait? 

Science can tell us how things came to be, but it can't tell us why. If you're searching for your purpose, look no further. 

 where even smiling is charity. :)

Allah does not place a burden on a soul with more than it can bear.

 because Allah (the 1 true God) will be there for you. ALWAYS. And His Mercy is BEYOND what you could ever expect.

 because you'll find answers to your questions.

People  because when they read the Holy Qur'an, they realise it couldn't possibly have been written by anyone other than Allah (God).

If you  your past sins will be forgiven and your good deeds will remain!

Anybody can . You just need to believe that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is His final messenger.

 because it will make u understand the purpose of life.


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