mood: sleepy
craving: Friday
salam alykom and hello to all my readers out there. :) I pray everyone is doing well. We're doing good, thank God. Just ready for the weekend. Have a great rest of the week and good night to America and Good morning to the rest of the world. :)
On to my entry.
After the entry I made about, Tell me a secret I left the anonymous on, i felt just maybe some readers want to be anonymous and are shy to post. Well, i had a reader who used it today. :) I'm all for constructive Criticism, even if it's hurtful. Hey, everyone has their opinions and I'm opened minded enough to take it like a big girl. The anonymous user wrote.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "We must always have old memories and young hopes":
I hate to break it to you but you really need to get over it and move on. Every blog post is about what used to be. Your never going to get through it and move on if you do not start living in the now and being more positive. Your husband is gone and your not in his country anymore your in YOURS. Make the best of it and what you have bc its not going to change. I used to like your blog but I feel so miserable when I come here anymore so I do not bother like everyone else.
I have to disagree with you, about every blog post being about what used to be. First of all, you don't know me in person. I assure you that if you did, you would never know that my heart was ripped out piece by piece and thrown away, only to be found a while back. :) Positive? I'm one of the most positive people in my group. I never complain or talk about my situation to anyone. I have my two best friends and they are always there for me to help me. Most important, I have Allah and He's enough for me. Alhamdulilah (Thank God). I don't know if you've been through a divorce? If so, I'm sorry to hear. If not, please don't judge a person until you've walked in their shoes. Simple as that.
You don't come here like everyone else? Well, that's not what my emails tell me and the statistics. I get wonderful emails from many readers. Thank you everyone for keeping my family and I in y'all's prayers, it means a lot. I went back on my entries in the last couple of days. The funny thing is, there are no posts about my past in the last entries. I have a food entry, Islamic entries and photo entries. Those entries aren't about my past, they're positive entries.
Last thing I want to say to you. This is my blog and I write what my heart tells me; it's my therapy. As I said in another blog entry a while back. I would be very content if no one ever read my blog. It's mainly for me and of course with the hope of me helping others in situations like mine or even worse situations than what I've been through. I have a lot of positive quotes on here and a lot of positive energy. I've talked to sisters on the phone, who have read and still read my blog and they love it. But, different strokes for different folks. We aren't all the same and some people will be there for you thorough the tough times and when the hard times come, you really find out who your true friends are. I think that goes with the followers. The compassionate readers stay through, not only the good, but also the sad entries and they don't get frustrated as you have. You say you feel so miserable? So, you're telling me, if one of your friends is going though a hard time, you're going to turn your back on her or him and say, "Look You make me feel so miserable that I can't talk to you anymore or listen to you anymore." ? Because that's basically what your saying to me now.
I like to think of y'all as my friends who smile with me when I'm happy and have compassion for all the feelings I have. I know there's more good people out there than bad. The glass is always full to me. If you talk to me for just ten minutes, you will feel my love for people and you will know that I 'm a people pleaser. I do voice my opinion and I like to listen to what the other party has on their mind. That said, a lot of people call people like me a push over. No, I'm not that. I'm a strong person with values and morals.
final whisper: You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.
Positive? i am sorry if this comes of as offensive but your post about soul mates was not really what one would called 'positive'.
As a relatively younger woman, it almost made me lose hope in my happily ever after.
Just because you have had a failed marriage does not mean everyone did/will.
One would expect more wisdom from a divorced mother of two children.
I am not new to your blog and am a part of your forum and i've always admired your personality. But recently, my views are sort of changing.
Btw, i am not the anonymous user who this post was made about.
I am really sorry because this probably is quite offensive but i had to get it out to you.
May Allah guide us all to what is best for us in this world and the hereafter.Ameen.
what if some anonymous guy wrote some constructive criticism on you! Just throw it away to the dustbin what you usually do some leftout veggies..
Its your pleasure and happy what you write. Keep writing and dont mind any criticism until then it is some positive criticism. My suggestion is better was to avoid this worthless word..
all the wishes and keep blogging..
I totally agree with you.By the i adore and love your blog!!Im meant to be revising but could not resist visiting you site. :)
Anonymous:With all due respects this is her blog and she can post about what she wants to. Well for some of us she kinda like a role model and in no way has she ever made me lose hope etc.Like it,Read it.Dont like it well ya know the answer.i guess we are all entitled to our own opinion but if you have any concerns message her privately not where everyone can read it.
Anyways this is Just what i wanted to say.
Wow, seriously? This is what it took for you lose hope in "happily ever after?" No offense, but did you really believe that existed in reality? As a relatively younger woman myself, I can't say I ever believed in that. :/ If you did though, I wouldn't think that one blog would change your viewpoint.
Ooh well...I think you were way too nice to pay attention to them sis Texan. :)
I also have to say, for a single mother you are really upbeat and positive, more so than I woulda expected. But if anybody has an insane expectation that after a divorce and being alone that you're supposed to always happy and chipper, they're crazy. Nobody is happy 24/7, not even those who are in a "happily ever after" marriage. They put on an act and expect everybody else to put on the act as well. Keep it real, I love you the way you are. :)
kinda funny she post what she wants bc I made a post yet its not here..
Why did you and your daughter stop wearing hijab?
Just found your blog through another lovely blogger, American Girl (In Kuwait). I'm your new fan. :)
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